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Vietnam Wall re-dedication


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To all you who served in the Vietnam War and the era for that matter, yesterday I was in the parade marking the 25th anniversary of the wall. I know that there are thousands out there who flew the missions, repaired our birds so we could fly, fueled them up, operated the control towers and navcom equipment, rigged up the airdrop loads, cooked food for us,made sure our mail and our pay was taken care of, walked the airfield perimeters with your dogs to protect our planes, cared for us when we were sick, and, Yes, when sometimes we got hurt, crewed the crash rigs and the rescue chooppers, and every other activity that was needed to keep us flying. For all of you, still here. and for those who have passed on, I was honored to consider myself on of your representatives, there, in DC yesterday. I am sure there were more, and to all let me say \" Welcome home.\"

Paul E. Parish, Loadmaster

36 TAS

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To RoyN, glad to hear you were there, too. i am sure there were many herk people in that parade. I got to thinkin\', that will probably be the last time there will be that many Nam vets in one place. Kinda sad, in a way, I guess, but when you consider that there are about 1100 WWII guys passin\' on each day, we ain\'t far behind, and with much fewer numbers.:(

To Col, well now the kid is doin\' fine, she is now deliverin\' babies in Asheville, NC. She says she is more of a hillbilly than a western Mountain person.Wondewr where she got that from:cheer:

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