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316/463 TAW Langley AFB Reunion


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463 TCW was the predecessor to the 316 TCW at Langley.

It started in Memphis in 1953 with C-46's and C-119's as 463 TCW

It then moved to Ardmore and became the first C-130 A model unit.

It moved to Sewart in 1959 still in A's, got B's in 1961, and moved to Langley in 1963.

It moved to the PI in 1965. The 316th took its place at Langley in 1966.

In the 316th we had the 36th, 37th from 66-75 and part of the time the 27th and 38th as flying squadrons.

463 and 316th have both been retired, last I heard 463 had been at Dyess and 316th had been in DC.

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I remember them both well. Have not heard anything about Terry, but Will and I went to the 706 TAS in New Orleans after Langley.

Will finished college and lives in New Iberia LA. I think he got an advanced degree in psychology. We flew together until 706 lost their herks, I transfered to the 68 TAS at Kelly and Will hung it up.

Mike Langford a load from the 37 was at Kelly and 181 TAS in Dallas with me.

I flew rotes in the 37 with loads Dudley Weibold, Mike Roe, Tom Hoffman, Ike Williams, Bob Weisman and a few more.

Speaking of rotes, I just got back from 2 weeks in Panama. Great time, hardly recognize the place with all the changes.

BTW I have Will's phone number 337-367-7400


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yep, got it, too. I have forwarded it to several members that I know. I plan on bein' there.. One point, haven't got to ask jerry yet what is the 463 connection??


36 TAS 70-74

The only real connection is that Jerry Haines was in both of them. The original 463rd Troop Carrier Wing moved to Langley from Sewart, then went to Mactan and from there to Clark. After it inactivated, the designation went to Dyess and replaced the 516th. The 463rd TAW was never at Langely, the 463rd TCW was.

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