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I'm happy to be back amongst you.

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Hi Fellow Herky Jerkers,

I'm really happy to be back. I never really went anywhere except to the hospitals and to the Happy Hunting Grounds 4 times.

Briefly, I've had some nasty surgeries, The 5 way coronary bypass, the partial foot amputation for gangerene, and 4 fatal heart attacks resulting in an ICD implant. The little machine in my chest is doing the trick and I'm almost my old self again. I was somewhat of a specialty in the hospital because when they prepped me for the surgery they found out that I had been dead 3 times at home. We thougt that I was passing out and my wife revived me all 3 times by pouring ice water on me and beating on my chest and back. I will be the first one to say "Ignorance is bliss". Had she known that I had died she probably wouldn't have reacted like she did. So..... I'm still Lucky Ol' Ralph and I'm happy to see many of the old Bat's are still here.

12 flares at 4 second intervals,.......... Drop, Drop, Drop!

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Giz, The devil thing reminded me of something from the past. Back in 1976 I had my first heart attack. Someone asked a TSGT that worked for me, " Do you think Sergeant Krach will be back?". My Sergeant said, "Hell yes he'll be back, the Lord don't want him and the Devil is afraid he'll take over'. LOL

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