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Nancy Jefferson

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Posts posted by Nancy Jefferson

  1. MSgt Johnson was my first sergeant at the Med group at Incirlik.  I was so heartbroken for their entire family.  I did not get to see them before they left Incirlik.  I know the name Gaines, but I cannot place where your husband worked.  I worked in the orderly room at Det 42.  My name at the time was Nancy Mosiman.  I had just gotten out of the service because I was pregnant.  I got out on the 29th of Feb 1980.  I had worked with MSgt Johnson.  He was a really great guy.  I knew they had a big family but did not know any of them very well.  It was a terrible heartbreaking loss and then later that year I lost another friend who was shot by Turkish terrorists downtown.  Chris Harrington.  I think I spelled his name right.  He was killed getting into a car with a coworker, both were headed to work that morning.  His friend got away.  There were some sad things that happened during that assignment.  Hard to forget.  

  2. On 3/30/2017 at 1:30 AM, Sharon (Gaines) Worley said:

    Mar 14, 1980 Joseph and Paul Johnson sons of MSgt Joe Johnson and Wife Maria, a beautiful and close family were all friends of mine. Joseph and Paul were members of the band. My husband at the time worked with MSgt Johnson in the hospital at Incirlik. MSgt Johnson was the 1st Sgt. In 1984 we visited the Johnsons at their home in Spain. Please contact me if you have any information about the Johnson family.  Such a terrible loss. 


  3. I was stationed at Incirlik when this crash occurred. My first sergeant lost two of his sons on this flight. He was supposed to go instead of one of his sons. It was a horrendous event for our base. It’s one of those things that happens in your life that you never forget and will always haunt you. A couple who lived behind us on base also died. I didn’t know them. Today is the anniversary. Such a very sad day for our military community. 

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