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Posts posted by Madcow

  1. Haha! Nice thought NATOPS, if he werent hanging out with the guys who are out there! Every day its something new. Three times in the last month, we have moved over 30 Conexes out of an overhang, powerwashed the entire area, and moved them back. I have powerwashed my 15 barrels that sit outside, no less than 3 times a week since I got here, about 45 days ago. We do 7 day flap lube/inspections here, instead of the typical 15 days. And i am expected to keep all my shelves in CTK dust-free, despite the fact that I have a large garage door facing the flightline. This door has a 5" gap at the top, numerous gaps all down the door, and a 2" gap along one side at the bottom. Might I also point out that this door faces the BACK side of the flightline (IE: Behind the aircraft) which means everytime they start engines (at least 6 times a day!), guess where all the dirt from the flightline heads?? This guy is insane, and for the most part, we do 'shut-up-and-color'. Which brings us to this situation! :) The flightline guys have had enough and are fighting back. It was our Dash21 guy who was digging for the reference, but nobody can find it. I'm not kidding when I say if it has two or more snaps or ANY but of strapping unsewn, it must be removed. Which, as it turns out, was about 75% of our inventory. Now we have just enough to supply the planes, that they have to swap seats from plane to plane each time they land.

  2. Is there any tech data regarding the servicability of the troop seats? Have a few that have a couple of snaps missing and the odd strap or two that isn't sewn in. And a crazy Chief who feels the need to replace everything in the AOR that isnt perfect. Just looking for guidance other than 1-1A-More-Stripes-Than-You.

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