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Posts posted by luckym123

  1. I was the crew chief on the airplane in which that airman performed that echo check. We went so far as to write up 180 day echo checks in the forms. The stand in the back of the engine is an engine troop in on the joke who is checking "Fillibri" which are the readings of the vibrations coming through the engine from the sound. The one part that should have tipped him off was we were using his multi-meter to check for the "Fillibri" and he was one of our electricians so he should have known that there is no "Fillibri" setting on a multi-meter. If a Newbie doesn't know his job well enough he is an easy target. This happened about a year and a half before I left Kadena to head to Dyess and retrain to be an FE. I don't get many chances to screw with new guys any more. I do miss sending guys to get their boots NDI'd. If the NDI tech is in on it they usually give the guy some NRTS tags he has to saftewire to his boots. If i remember correctly either the same kid or his buddy fell for that joke.

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