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Posts posted by TalonFlyboy8336

  1. wal - for waldrof i reckon , just a hop over the fence if the back gate was not open and skip across the tracks without getting hit for the shortcut, or you walked the 4.2 miles down the path in the woods till you broke out to the legions back steps.been there done that many times , also went to the pits that way too, many an afternoon chugging brews n sunning watching the 1/2 naked n naked german babes .....the good old days.....

  2. We heard that 1 of the people killed in that ditching by those folks was some jerk was standing up in the back and not strapped in and when they hit he went foward and was killed by impact.

    They made a bifg thing of it , and preached some of the techniques they used to us for ditching.

    and as far as the crew door, ecver see a fool open it from the outside after landing and there was pressure still on the plane, knocks the fool for a loop and they learn never to do it again, and become a part of the dash - 1 as a warning.

  3. I\'ve had several bird strikes through my years flying , a few really bad ones were 1 through teh co pilots window, took out the co, fe and nav, after getting the mess under control i got in co seat and helped pilot land, another was a big albatross in the leading edge between # 3 & # 4 engines on an H model on the way to greenland, and another on that bubble contraption at red flag, thankfully no 1 had there head up there when we took the bird strike.

    Birds can be quite the dangerous thing when were flying../....

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