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Posts posted by SamMcGowan

  1. At this point in the war, 315th Air Division operated a number of scheduled missions into South Vietnam, mostly from Okinawa, which was a major supply depot. I can't say for certain, but the mission number was probably the mission number for one of those scheduled missions. In 1966 the 314th TCW was involved mostly in missions operating in and out of South Vietnam. The wing did have a rotational mission at Nha Trang but this crew was not on it since they crew rested at Tan Son Nhut. The mission report doesn't say, but they had probably picked up their load at Naha, Okinawa then went to Da Nang and on to Tan Son Nhut for crew rest. Since they hit a mountain in Taiwan, the Vietnam portion has no bearing on the accident. The report says the airplane had been continually off course, which indicates a navigational error.

  2. I just got in the crash report on this C130 (attached), and need some help from your membership. It lists a "Misson Number". Would this be a routine sequential number used for the flights (or) would there be further documentation filed somewhere that gives the purpose of WHY they were going to SVN.

    They were on a routine transport mission carrying cargo to Vietnam. That's the whole reason the 314th Troop Carrier Wing was sent to the Pacific in the first place. The mission number is just the number for the mission; it means nothing.

  3. Registration forms are coming in nearly every day. The registration packet and the registration forms are posted on www.troopcarrier.org/convention.html. If you plan to go to Marietta to visit Lockheed-Martin, we need certain information (posted on the page) as soon as possible to turn into Lockheed for security. They need the info by September 1. Tom Stalvey and Roger Greuel are doing a fantastic job putting everything together.

  4. Anyone here know Darrell?

    This coming Friday at the Ohio Statehouse Darrell will be inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame for Valor. Only 17 troops are being so honored.

    In May 1968 Darrell was a crewmember on a herc. that flew into Kham Duc, RVN under fire and evacuated more than 120 Vietnamese civilians and allied forces before the city was overrun by the VC. For this heroic act he was awarded the DFC.

    Darrell lives in Lebanon, OH.

    The Ohio Military Hall of Fame for Valor came into being in 2000 and has annually inducted new members since that time. It has a website at www.ohioheroes.org and a public display in Mottts Military Museum in Groveport, near Columbus, OH.

    For Darrell a well deserved and long overdue award.

    Interesting. Darrell and I are in Email contact and if I remember correctly, he joined the TCTAA not long ago. He has never mentioned that he was involved at Kham Duc.

  5. Check out Amazon.com -- Click here: http://www.amazon.com/Anything-Anywhere-Anytime-Tactical-Airlift/dp/1468505637/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1337169313&s

    I wonder why the new books are so much cheaper than a used edition?

    Don R.

    Since the book just came out in January, there are no "used" editions. There are book sellers who have access to wholesale prices who advertize "used books" on Amazon which really aren't used. Right now Amazon has this book for about $2.00 off.

  6. Sam, looking to obtain both Trash Haulers and Anything, Anywhere, Anytime. I would enjoy an autographed copy of both. I was stationed 374 FMS Sept 1968 to June 1970 Naha Okinawa PCSed back to Chanute then went to Ubon 1971- 1972 Sept Became an ART 1985 Willow Grove ARS C-130E's finished my career Pope AFB 2009 as Avonics Branch chief. I just finished reading History TAC in Southeast Asia all 663 pages . I would like to read your books and by the way just got The Cave from a mutual friend of ours Ed Hubrich. I would appreciate you putting me in the direction to get these books. Thanks Jeff

    Jeff, send me a check for $56.00 at Sam McGowan, 3727 Hill Family Lane, Missouri City, TX 77459. For $75.00 I'm including my Vietnam novel The Cave (also about C-130s.)

  7. Okay you Crew Chiefs/Maint. personnel here is a question that I need to have an answer for!! I might forget it by tomorrow!!!

    Do any of you old CRB input or TDY guys remember when Herky Hill was built and put into use??

    The reason I am asking is that my first trip/input to Viet Nam--Cam Rahn Bay, was in December 1967. While I was there, I stayed in a quanset on the main base!!

    Not Herky Hill. Like I said, it was my first trip but I was with my crew chief (Willard) and assistant crew chief (Lafferty) so it wasn't their first! Every time I went to CRB for the next 3 years, I lived at Herky Hill.

    I know some of you guys here on the forum were on inputs to CRB before me so where did you stay???

    I do remember that in 67 all of the planes were A's and B's . And no revetments that I can remember. At least where we were parked.

    Did any of you guys remember it as remember it or did we just stay in the wrong place?

    Thanks for looking,


    Up until the spring of 1969, all of the airplanes at Cam Ranh were As and Es. The Es moved there from Nha Trang in the spring/summer of 1967. The 463rd operated out of Tan Son Nhut from early 1966 to the spring of 1969 when the As and Bs swapped. There was another swap sometime in 1970 that brought the As back to Cam Ranh and the Es went to Tan Son Nhut. The reason given for the original swap was that the Bs and Es were parts compatible, but it was also because the 463rd was starting COMMANDO VAULT and would be loading at Cam Ranh. The move would cut down on ferry time. I am surprised that maintenance would have been in a qounset because as far as I know, 315th Air Division only had two and one was used for enlisted aircrews and the other for officers. Maintenance guys lived in open hooches not far away.

  8. Herky Hill opened sometime in 1968. I rotated to Cam Ranh from Naha from August 1966 until I left in August the following year after first spending two weeks there in February before the Naha/Tachi rotation started. The West Ramp opened sometime in early 1967 but flight crews continued living in the air conditioned qounsets on the East Side. I think the maintenance troops lived in hooches. I've got pictures of the West Ramp that I took in the summer of 1967 and there were no revetments.

  9. http://www.macon.com/2012/05/08/2018773/c-130-pilot-sees-plane-for-first.html - I put this in the Video and Image section originally as a response to Chris Shutz' thread about his visit to the Robins Museum but since it's news, it belongs here. I talked to Mack right after the airplane went to Robins and at the time he didn't know if it was the airplane he flew or not. Crawford Ingraham was his engineer and Al Collins from 5th APS at Evreux was second loadmaster. He couldn't remember who his crew loadmaster was. There is an article about the airplane's delivery at www.troopcarrier.org/convention.html. Mack is planning to attend. There's a lot of information about Dragon Rouge in both of my books. Also, this is a link to my page about the mission - www.sammcgowan.com/dragon.html.

  10. Capt. Shoupe was my AC in the 779th at Pope. After I left the crew, he and our engineer, Don Sweet, went into the Sky Hook program:

    Retired US Air Force Major Marvin Eugene “Gene†Shoupe, 80, of Fayetteville, died Wednesday, May 2, 2012, at the VA Medical Center.

    The family will receive friends on Friday, May 4th, from 7 - 9pm at Jernigan Warren Funeral Home in Fayetteville, NC.

    Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 5, 2012, at 11 o’clock am in Jernigan Warren Chapel with Rev. Dean Kennedy, Rev. Clarence Privette, and Chaplain Smith officiating. The burial will follow at LaFayette Memorial Park on Ramsey Street with military honors.

    He is survived by his wife, Gloria C. Shoupe of the home; daughter, Rosemarie Haynes and husband Kenneth, of Mill Spring, NC; son, Charles “Chuck†Shoupe and wife Melissa, of Harrisburg, NC; 4 grandchildren, Lisa Marie Haynes, Carson Shoupe, Erica Shoupe, and Sarah Shoupe; and a sister-in-law, Mary Cardwell of Richmond, Va.

    In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Alzheimer's Association National Office, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601.

  11. Looking for Travel orders with my name on it, one order is T121. I was assigned to the 776TAS from March 67 to July 69. I am trying to get my DD214 corrected. The Air Force did not always track our TDY assignments, thus those CRB and Tuy Hoa rotations didn't make it to the DD214. After a lot of reading and research I have come to realize that most of us that served at CCK and made those trips are missing that very important information. Our VA system won't give you an Agent Orange test/evaluation in less you can prove boots on the ground in Vietnam.

    Also looking for the following airmen

    Adley Eisen

    Doyle Frazer

    Raymond Ryan

    fist name? Last name Warren

    Thanks in advance

    Dale Johnson

    Belchertown, MA

    The blanket orders won't be much help because they covered the entire Western Pacific. No, TDYs are not on personnel records except for credit for days in SEA (which includes Thailand). The only record is travel vouchers, which are in pay records. However, the official history of the USAF tactical airlift mission is proof that personnel from Naha, Clark, Mactan, Tachikawa and CCK operated in South Vietnam. A far as Agent Orange goes, there really is no "test" or "evaluation" for it. There is some kind of Agent Orange registry. For Agent Orange benefits, the veteran has to be diagnosed with one of the illnesse that are attributed to it. Go to www.va.gov to find out which ones they are. Prostate cancer and Type II diabetes are two. Any veteran can apply for VA medical treatment but there are income and other considerations that can prevent acceptance except for service-connected disabilities.

  12. Great video. I can't remember for sure, but I think balls 4 was in the 41 TAS out of Naha.

    Thanks for the memories!

    It may have been at Naha but I doubt if it was in the 41st unless it was transferred in later. All of the double 0 airplanes went to PACAF. Most of them wer ein the 815th but there were a couple at Naha.
  13. The registration packets which include a registration form and a membership form as well as information are now on the TCTAA web site at www.troopcarrier.org/convention.html. The convention starts on October 17 and runs through October 21. We'll be going up to Marietta to Lockheed on Friday, the 19. Total cost is $160.00 for members, $120.00 for spouses and $185.00 for non-members, which includes breakfast Thursday-Sunday and lunch Thursday and Saturday as well as the reception on Thursday evening and the banquet on Saturday. Non-members have the option of joining and paying the member rate (the cost is still the same.) We're looking forward to a great event!

  14. To respect the AC130

    Batch of troops were being hasled by the Viet Cong and called for air support.

    The AC130 Commander called them up and said I can see you and I can see them too.

    Please pull your troops back 30 feet.

    They complied and the AC130 came along and did its job and well done too.

    They then did the body count but also marked where the fire had stopped.

    And it stopped 30 feet from where they pulled back to.

    The Australian Army had all the respect for the gunships.

    I just wonder how many lifes they saved.

    Thanks guys


    It most likely WASN'T an AC-130. After the initial trial, the prototype AC-130A moved to Ubon, Thailand for work on the Ho Chi Minh Trail as a truck-killer and the production models ere all assigned to Ubon. As it was, six were shot down and several were shot up but managed to get on the ground. Considering that there was only one squadron, that's a pretty high casualty rate. AC-130s worked over An Loc in 1972 but by that time the Aussies had left, as had most of the US ground troops, and they were supporting South Vietnamese, as were the airdrop crews. The AC-47s left the USAF in 1969 and AC-119s were used over South Vietnam after that. All transport aircraft are highly vulnerable in areas of medium to high intensity ground fire - and if there are fighters around, it's Katy-bar-the-door.

  15. When Lockheed first came out with the C-130H, the only USAF versions were HC-130Hs. They sold a lot of them overseas before the USAF started buying them in a modified version, including an APU that could be run inflight. (By the way, I wish people would understand that an APU can be any kind of supplemental power system. A lot of people are confused because Lockheed referred to the gas turbine compressors on the As, Bs, Es and original Hs as GTCs. Heck, any jet engine with a compressor is a GTC.)

  16. If you have McAfee and get a "risky site" message if you go to www.sammcgowan.com, ignore it. McAfee Site Advisor has a reputation for misidentfying sites as "risky" and for taking a long time to rectify problems. I had gotten messages before but not in a long time, but today I sent out a BCC Email to several people on my Email list from sam@sammcgowan.com and the next time I went to my home page, I got the message. I then did some research on the Net and learned that there have been a lot of completes about Site Advisor.

  17. I have done some work on the list of airlift/C-130 related books I have had on the Internet for some time at www.sammcgowan.com/books.html. If possible, I've added a link to a particular book on Amazon so you can easily order them. Incidentally, I've found a few that I wasn't aware of before. I'll be adding new books as I learn about them. If anyone knows of any I've not listed, please drop me an Email at sam@sammcgowan.com and I'll add it.

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