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Preservation propeller and storage

Check Team FR

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/27/2023 at 7:30 PM, Check Team FR said:


when should we preserve a propeller on an airplane?

After how many days of aircraft immobilization, do you start preserving a propeller?

Preservation is planned for checks but is it necessary for immobilization of less than 15 days or 1 month or 2 months?

Hello, i have a another problem, ASB 54H60-61-A157 say a propeller is adequately preserved if the propeller is rotated once in 2 month.

But the preservation in P5059 is it necessary for have a adequately preserved propeller or just a rotation ?

And last question, a aircraft immobilized for check may be considered like an active aircraft (term in ASB) ?

Thanks for your responce.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone and happy new year,

I would like to know if there are many nations that preserve propellers on aircraft. If so, what are the deadlines? How long, can we leave a propeller on an immobilized aircraft without preserving it?

ASB 157 is used for the return to service of the blades, maybe you use other documentation? If so, which one?

Thank you for your answers.

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