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Sonar image of 4593 hosted for Tints97

Dan Wilson

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Well anythings possible if you throw enough money at it.

As for pushing your govt. to bring it up - I cant help you there, sorry.

If they do try to resurface the wreck I am pretty sure they will have to get an assist from the USN, as most nations do not have the equipment to do it.


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When the C-130E went down off the small island west of Taiwan Makung. I volunteered to dive on the wreck. I was on the investigation team and spent 5 days diving on the wreck. It looked like a china plate that was dropped on a concrete floor....wrechage was in a million pieces. By the looks of the sonar photo.of the PI wreck ..seems that the right wing is seperated and no telling if the engines got twisted off....I think it would be very unlikely if it could be raised other then in pieces Also I did not see any mention of the depth. The one at Makung was in 80 to 120 feet of water.

I might add that I disagreed with the results of the investigation team...they determined the cause as blown tire....I insisted that it was probably a thrown prop...but due to go home itisus of the Col in charge the investigation was called off early before we even got to look at all the wreckage sites.....


Edited by Muff Millen
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For any of you old 706 TAS guys, Bill Wirstrom and his bride have built a home near Mactan.

He stopped by the base to take pictures of the Herks. Some of the PI B model Herks were from the 706TAS. Anyhow, the AC on 4593 used to be on these pages, his name was Manny Zambrano. A real nice guy. Manny showed Bill around and they took this picture. Bob

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I got picked up the the USG as an AFETS Rep and no longer work for BAE/MTC. I believe they are bidding to do another PDM on another PI aircraft, but not sure where that stands. Glad to see she is flying again! Spent the better part of 2 years in and out of the PI, every three weeks would fly out for three weeks and home to WR. Lots of Delta Sky miles...lots of San Miguel Super Dry! Glad I dont have to make that flight anymore, even though it payed for my honeymoon to Jamaica!

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