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Robert Podboy

Allison turboprop engines. Quite possibly the only thing in recent history that over 50 nations have agreed upon.

Performance and reliability have the same meaning whatever language you speak or country you happen to live in. That’s why the Hercules is not the only aircraft built with Allision T56 engines operating in the far corners of the globe. For example, there’s the E-2 Hawkeye, the P-3 Orion, and the C-2 Grayhound.

But you would expect people to agree on an engine from a company that has a large production base of finely engineered and continually updated large turboprops. To date, T56 engines have logged over 100 million flight hours.

Allison’s latest advancement in this line is the T56 Series IV engine. The Series IV was developed to meet the stringent new mission requirements of the Nave E-2C Hawkeye AEW aircraft. It gives the Hawkeye more power and its fuel efficiency allows greater time on station. With the production availability of this engine, the Armed Forces now has the option of upgrading other T56 powered aircraft to meet future demands.

Best of all, Allison engines are backed by General Motors. With an efficient parts and service network and GM expertise. Contact: Large Aircraft Engine Sales Manager, Allison Gas Turbine Division, General Motors Corporation, P.O. Box 420. Speed code U-12, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0420 USA. Telex: 276411 GMCOMM IND


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