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Everything posted by leadingedge1

  1. I was talking to a flight eng that has experience on a and b models c130's,he stated that these and early e models did not have water removal systems in the fuel tanks by the pumps so that was why fuel contaimination checks where done at a high power setting.
  2. well guys,thanks for the advice and help.....I feel better that there are other people that are aware of the procedure for fuel conaimination checks.Hopefully with the new -1 the info will be in there,just wondering what will be omitted....lol
  3. In the E-model C130-1 under fuel contaimination check ,it states that the check must be done under a high power condition/setting. In the C130-1 for h model fuel contaimination it just states monitor rpm,and tit,and torque for approx 1 min. Was high power setting ommitted by mistake in the h model -1 or with the -15 engines its not needed? Thanks in advance!!!
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