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C-130 Hercules News
Posts posted by yawdamper
That's how they order parts from you?
Tell them to quote an IPB or TCTO or some technical document. Most tube assy's have dash numbers such as 381246-1 or 381246-15.
The numbers you have appear to be incomplete and their numbering scheme indicates they are not OEM and should be installed by some TCTO.
Tell them you need that information.
Those are not Lockheed part numbers for sure
The ESL wing that is currently the standard, is a derivative of the SOF center wing. Beefed up Corner fittings, rainbow fittings and the stringers on the upper and lower panels are thicker. One difference from the SOF was the elimination of the Titanium web at BL 61. Sof required this to get the strength and fit within the existing envelope of the FS 517 beam. Current ESL uses a thicker Aluminum web that fits behind a redesigned FS 517 beam. Ships 5306 and up already have this beam.
I have to disagree on the vanilla flavor and then I'll let it go. UARRSI (Special cab top with thicker skin and smaller doubler, special fwd hog trough, special drain line system) : FLIR (FS 93 bulkhead reinforced, Adapter installed and special radome) : 60/90 (Special brackets for larger wire on wings and in fuselage, special Triangular clamps and additional equipment on hog trough) Enhanced Vision (Pressure bulkhead and fairing added).
All of these things were planned for and installed as it went down the line and the first 73J emerged from the production building with all of them installed.
This was not a post production mod effort, you could not have done some of the things in a post production environment. Look at the massive finger doublers on a post production UARRSI install and compare it to 73J's. Not the same thing.
382U short bird
382V Stretch
Always remember U comes before V. You must have a short bird before you get a stretch.
HC-130J pretty much a vanilla J? I don't think so.
Start with a KC-130J and add ECHS, FLIR, UARRSI, 60/90, Dual Satcom, Enhanced Vision Provisions......and the list goes on. The MC's even more so.
It's like saying a Z06 is pretty much the same as a Factory Corvette.
read, listen, learn . You will outrank most who will be showing you the ropes, don't push your rank but don't take any shit either. Get your hands dirty and don't complain about wash rack duty or lube jobs. In time you'll earn your place and if you're up for a challenge become a flying crew chief and put your skills to the test. Crews depend on what you do and how well you do it, be the best.
I think this question is much like the free fall of the MLG during emergency extension. An emergency extension of the MLG on a ground test may result in the gear free falling down to their stops. This is awful nice but not required by the TO. Many have come to the conclusion that they must freefall to pass the check but it is not so, but has become to be expected.
All J models are equipped to readily accept the ARPUS probe mod, except maybe HC-MC, as they are using UARRSI. Arpus is the refueling probe designed and owned by the British (Marshalls).
Family day where they allowed cameras, glad you enjoyed your tour
Tiny, from an avionics standpoint, you might be right. Give them some time to learn and get familiar and I would expect much higher readiness numbers than the E models.
I believe the Chinese are tooling up (physically and intellectually) to produce their own large aircraft. Commercial or military, I do not know. They have the will and the cash to move this project forward. Remember the B-29's in WWII that the Russians (stored) for us and ended up copying in every detail? Time will tell.
Wondering about the effect on the composite flaps. reskinning aluminum is one thing, composite repair is another. Any engine run induced flap maint. issues out there?
Picture from Airliners showing J de-ice boot with Legacy in the background
Couldn't figure out how to post a picture but if you look you can see the "de-icing boot" in the same place on the H as it is on the J. And I'm positive there is no boot on the H.
Do we have any J-model guys on here who can put this issue to rest and get back to the HC-130J discussion?
The inflatable de-ice boot is on the C-130J models only. You will not find them on legacy aircraft. Ice shapes were glued to the leading edges of the horizontal and after flight testing it was determined that ice build up on the lower part of the vertical (not protected by bleed air anti icing) was not acceptable for FAA certification. Hence the birth of a pneumatic boot at the base of the vertical.
Get off the wacky weed, this is the HF Antenna, been on the 130 since mid 80's.
HF antenna or not, there is a pneumatic de-icing boot at the base of the vertical on the outside surface of the black patch. Result of ice shape testing during FAA certification.
2 Pilots 1 Nav(CSO) 2 Loads
The MC-130J will have a dual CSO station
Is that a 30mm bushmaster mk44? I like the additional EOIR sensor next to the Nose wheel well.
Could you connect an external huffer cart as a troubleshooting tool? I agree that the limiting factor here is most likely the GTC bleed air flow.
C-130's do not carry oxygen masks for all of the troops in the back. The Brits have installed oxygen generators in the overhead area for troops but it is a mod for them and not baseline for US herks.
Internal Doubler 368376-1 .100 thick 54" x 58"
A beginning yes, simply a modified KC, some may argue. Add ECHS, UARRSI, FLIR, 60/90 and everything that makes those systems work. Try taking a KC to a MOD facility and telling them any of those additions are a simple mod. There is more to come and I look forward to seeing these planes grow and become the instruments that make a difference and save lives. "So That Others May Live"
It may have been late for you but now others know such a thing exists and what the basic part number is. A little insight is that at body mate these unions are adjusted as required to connect tubing as the fuselage is brought together. They are not always right at the break point but they are always on a horizontal section of the tubing. Good luck hydraulic dogs and be thankful the C-130 doesn't use Skydrol.
LS6962 is an adjustable union with two male flareless ends. It is adjustable in length and designed for hydraulic usage. They are used on the C-130. One location for sure is FS 204 LH side just aft of the galley. Good luck.
The mod to put them into 62-1863 was extensive and required a huge beef-up doubler on the exterior of the aircraft. I guess engineering requirements have changed since the 1960's when the scanner windows were installed in the HC-130 fleet (originally done on the factory floor without "battleship" plating on the fuselage). Maybe it was the age of a 1962 model that called for it...I'm no engineer....
All of the production scanner windows have a doubler also, their just internal to the skin. Post production is always more difficult than working with a clean sheet. The existing portholes and their structure, existing fastener patterns and always the budget. A flush internal doubler could be added but you have to change all the ring segments, dimple the skin, internal doubler and new ring segments and get it to work at a butt joint. It can be done, but to afford it you may have to do the work overseas, New Zealand sounds good, I might volunteer for that one, but there goes the budget again. Here's to in production return of the scanner window! Coast Guard might like that also. While we're there lets just thicken the skin to .070 so we can get rid of the dimples and put in simple countersinks.
#3 TIT 30C higher at same fuel flow settings
in C-130 Technical
Did this engine just suddenly get 30C hotter? Is there a baseline for this engine? EWngines wear and as they do they run hotter. Is this engine out of limits? If it is a sudden increase in temp the thermocouple system may be in question, but don't forget to look for bleed air leaks. Does this engine have a trim thermocouple? If so it may also have a trim resistor.