If you turn the battery on, with the bus not tied, and then apply external power and turn the switch on, every light and relay in the flight deck start flickering and chattering. The thing is, this happens when you start the APU with external power applied as well. This is on an MC-130W aircraft. (87 model).
We've changed the external power contactor, the RCCR between the battery relay and the isolated DC bus, the battery relay, the DC/battery switch, phase sequence relay, a few diodes that checked bad, AC interlock relay, and checked all other diodes and fuses. THe funniest thing happened when we swapped phase sequence relays between two aircraft. One relay was an older, discontinued model while the other was a newer model from supply. The plane works fine using the older relay but freaks out with the newer. We haven't been able to find a reason why this is.
We're on 12s until this is fixed and everyone in our shop is completely flabbergasted. Anyone have any ideas or previous experience?