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  • core_pfield_13
    naps, eating well, rebuilding 98 y/o home & landscaping our property


  • core_pfield_11
    Forbes - Naha - Clark - Pope - CCK - Kadena - Yokota - McChord (76-86) - Retired 26+ years AD. MSgt DOV-PNAF LM. 7,543.2 great Herk hours. Married to Monika, MSgt AFRes ILM - ALCE Tng Mgr/GS-9. 6000+ C-141 / C-17 hours. Retired 2003 w/23+ yrs AFRes. We reside in Tacoma, WA where life is goooood to us geezers. Be well.
  • core_pfield_12
    Tacoma WA
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    Retired & loving it!

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  1. I've seen that photo before and thought it was taken in France. Wish Vinnie Marazzo was still with us, as he'd remember it. . . . . bobdeHaas
  2. Charlie's name has come up several times in discussions on Flareships@Topica.com for which I am one of the co-owners of the site. Sorry to hear of Charlie's passing, as will be his old buddies on Flareship. I'm cutting and pasting your post here on Herkybirds, but an email address for you would greatly simplfy things. Looking to hear from you again. Bob deHaas, BlindBat Loadmaster
  3. Hey there Casey. This site looks easier to navigate, but the first time I posted, it said I forgot to post a message, therefor the \'tests\'. All I need now is my Blindbat avatar. Thanx for the help. Be well . . . bobdeHaas
  4. Test . . . test . . . this is only a test . . .bobdeHaas
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