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Everything posted by ComNav

  1. I had the job to prep 62-1809 on the avionics comm end prior to Eagle Claw and see her off from Wadi Qena to Desert One. That bird had some messed up comm bits, notably a mis-wired KY and HF issues probably resulting from the booth being yanked for the mission. Spent many days at Hurlburt combing through wire lists and canon plugs trying to figure out her issues. We were sitting in the spare Talon in Egypt listening to the BBC for any news of the mission when we heard Carter come on. Us maintenance folks are the last to hear anything, but we were devastated at the news. Having read Thigpen's excellent Talon book as well as The Guts To Try, There's still lots of pieces to the mission that never got told. Long-since retired, I occasionally think back to those days and wonder "what if."
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