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Leakybirds last won the day on May 29 2021

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  1. Hey guys, I have a question I’m hoping someone knows an answer to. I have a plane that’s pressure drops when ground test valve is tied and elevator is on its stop. Sits at about 2600 and the longer it sits it drops to 2200. We figured it was the elevator compensator letting fluid through. We changed it. Same issue only now we noticed the temp when running our aux pump is getting very hot. We will change the aux pump. I guess my question is why would the pump be doing this only in those conditions? thanks for any help!
  2. I’m looking for anything in t.o. Pertaining to hot brakes. Something with a guide to symptoms. I have a brake that operates fine and looks fine but had the tires thermal plugs blow. Did a little digging and didn’t see anything in the book. -6 just says to visually inspect. Is that all there is? Thanks guys!
  3. We had one transferring through brake shuttle valves. Removed from plane. Tested on stand and failed. Our other issue is no power towing causing transfer.
  4. 92 model c130h. After take off are the wheels spinning in wheel well or is pressure holding brakes from moving?
  5. We use a -906 and 2 -110 I’m assuming you’re talking about the fluid bolt attaching shuttle valve to brake. 3 o-rings fit it.
  6. Exactly my thoughts. Thanks for the response. Was trying to be forced on us. Just wanted more input.
  7. Good to know. Thanks for the response. It was brought up to us and was being forced to switch back to the hydromite ways. Thanks to the 06 we don’t need to do it.
  8. I have a plane that when doing engine runs 1 and 2 shut down normally and pressure bleeds down immediately. But booster side 3 and 4 i need to move flight controls in order to bleed it down. Any experiences with this for any of you? I thought maybe transmitter but pressure stays until flight controls depressurized it upon moving them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys.
  9. How often do you completely drain and fill struts? And do you use hydro mite?
  10. What could be causing a slow moving utility gauge. Pressure reads fine on aux pump, normal and emergency gauge. Just utility gauge shows hesitation. Transmitter and gauge have been replaced. Could it be the util accumulator? Thanks for the help.
  11. Pulled and tested all brake shuttle valves. One was leaking pretty bad from emergency to normal. Hoping that was it! thanks for the help guys.
  12. I’ve been leaning into that conclusion too. I’ve been informed they don’t do that. We’ll see what I find. Keep it updated.
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. It is a 92 h model. Since my post I have replaced normal selector valve, utility accumulator and ground test valve. Still having issues. Looking into emergency selector valve and shuttle valve During flight of 8 hours its transferring 2 quarts from aux to utility.
  14. Question for you guys. I have a c130h transferring fluid from the aux system to the utility system. Ive replaced the Ground test valve and the utility system accumulator (which had a leak internally). Neither of those parts solved it and it is still happening. Thoughts on where to go from here?
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