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Hi All,

I have been working on trying to list all the Herks that have been preserved in Museums or on static display. There are about 60 that I found. I’ll try to attach the list.

I am also listing any URL links and trying to add pictures of the aircraft on display.

I could use some help with some pictures.

3606 Display at Santa Lucia AB Mexico City 3116

A-1301 Indonesia AF Museum Bandung 3546

62-1789 McChord AFB Museum. I last heard it was not on display yet. 3736

65-0988 Display at Moody AFB 4143

A97-011 Point Cook Museum Australia 4791




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In the gallery, there is a photo of 3116 on display at Santa Lucia AB (nose only). Also, I had heard that 4200 at Georgetown, DE had been scrapped.

Don R.


I heard that too but the Museum still shows it there. I'll try to check it out.

Mexico has 2 A's on display at Santa Lucia.

3116 3607 Nose only and 3087 3606 complete. Near the gate. I saw it on GE.


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62-1787 is at USAFM.

There are two at Little Rock- the one at the main gate and one across from Wing HQ.

Charlotte has one.

61-2367 is at CLT, 56-0518 is on the Gate at LRF, 61-2362 is at Wing HQ.

62-1829 is on display off base at LRF, I am looking for a few pics of that one.



Edited by bobdaley
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