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Looking for a specific C-130 Book


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Many years ago, I was at a friend of the family's house. On their coffee table they had a book about C-130s. In this book they had a picture of the Orange Marine Corps C-130 in flight. The caption read something along the lines of "Transporting Sgt. Dave Davenport (or Sgt. Harold E. Davenport)." That is my father and it would mean a lot to me and my family if I could find a copy of that book. The problem is that I cannot find it until I find out the name of the Title and/or Author. If you know this book, please let me know. Thank you.

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  • 6 years later...

In the late 1960s, I worked in the Canadian Arctic with an ex-marine who went by the the name of Dave Davenport.  His full name was Harold E. (Edwin?) Davenport.  He was the USWB Executive Officer at Resolute Bay at the time.

Did your father ever talk about being at the Canada-US Joint Arctic Weather Stations?

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I have a library full of C-130 books, odds are I have the book.

Was it hard/soft back?  , kind of a small/thin book or large/thick book?  

Color images/black-white?

Describe it the best you can to help me limit my search.  I have too many books to just go page by page

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