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Everything posted by mrjpc130h

  1. sorry my bad sir... is it allowed? since d speed surely above 80kts which is rotation speed... thx for d reply, fully understood n got d answer from it..tqvm
  2. hello herkys... has anyone knows during training touch and go cant be aborted? any references pls
  3. hello herky guys..has anyone heard or know about training flight touch n go cant be abort? any reference about it pls..
  4. hi everyone.. again need clarification on weight limitation chart as per picture below... Why we should minus 1430lbs from outboard tank to enter the chart..
  5. tqvm sir..much appreciated.. and we don't have the fuselage tank
  6. thx a lot for d responses, no wonder no one knows d purpose of d existence of d "mirror² on the wall" thought its standard to all aircraft
  7. hi there herkys, does anyone knows what is the purpoof d shining plate at 245 station?
  8. cheers up hercs expert...im seeking a guidance on doing touch n go with fuel in external tank, does it ok or not? if not what structure will be affected since in AFM as image below to preclude landing in fuel in external ,anyting with fuel sloshing? pls help me...
  9. Yes... 'Waste' is the most i concern to highlight ths isue.. We also dont use fuel been defueld
  10. Yes sir our fuselage tank used to be filled 24000lbs of fuel.. And our maintenance crew urge to defuel to 3000 lbs with d same reason. But when i asked any reference y they did so no proper answer n they said only its been prctice like that before. So i insist to get the answer n any books to rfer regarding ths matter. Pls help any books or service buletin says somthng like ths?
  11. Hi again guys... Just wondering where i cn find info bout max weight on wheel can be overnight especially tanker aircraft. Nowadays we practice fuel in the fuselage need to be defuel to prevent mlg oleo depleted or tyre over pressure. Any idea pls?
  12. Its really help me much....tq sirs!
  13. Does anyone can explain wht droop cx is? I couldnt find any pub that tell about droop cx on C130h... Pls help
  14. Thx evryone.... We did fcf today n after engine change n used propeller everyting is working in normal manner...tq
  15. The prop rotating normal direction n the feather override button pops up within 5 seconds n shut down d engine at 180kts... Nw the mx plan to change d propeller n wait 4 the nxt FCF..
  16. Yup agree... The feathering check for 23 seconds is for on ground feathering cx. The matter arises from exceeding up to 30 sec , when we did d FUnctional Check Flight the engine is was windmilling during cruise engine shutdown takes time to stop after feathered. Then d consequense tht engine unable to airstart normally n luckily with help from d starter to manage to light off the engine
  17. Again... Hello freends n senior members.. I got doubt in my head since couple of month ago we got argument on feathering cx. In the technical manual stated that feathing cx must be not more than 23 seconds. We got an engine changed recently and d time is 30 sec. Our technician been change components to tht engin n still persist n as an operator we rejected tht engine coz in our opinion 23 sec is for prop feather n stop but d tech guys insist tht tht engine is ok n the time is only for prop to feather only not stoping. So please anybody knows any good opinion with good refernces so i cn get thru to clear ths argument?
  18. What a superb info...tqvm sir
  19. Thx... i agree wth u sir,any ideas how much pressure all other lines n fitting are design to stand max pressuer? Im come with ths ideas jst incase of the pressure jst above 3600psi for example by moving the flaps or gear we cn reduce pressure below 3500psi then we cn identifie the bad pump by switching off the edp switch.... and also if already identified one of the engine got prblem which is unable to be restarted mayb we cn consider ths way.....
  20. Does anyone has any idea why in sect.3, we hve to do cruise engine shutdown to identified which edp Is giving higher presssure rather thn lower d flaps or gear to deplete pressure if utility system affected? Any advises?
  21. i coldnt find SIL 22 ,i do appreciate if u cn emel me at aircamdo@yahoo.com...in advance tq sir! interested more bout c130 rims but good if included tires...
  22. i coldnt find SIL 22 ,i do appreciate if u cn emel me at aircamdo@yahoo.com...in advance tq sir! interested more bout c130 rims but good if included tires...
  23. hi guys hepi new year n wising u all d best! does anyone knows any publication to refer with.... regarding double or single used for aft or fwd tyre of c130 MLG? pls help me
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