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Tom C

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Everything posted by Tom C

  1. During my time on Guam (Sep 1969 - Mar 1971) I was assigned to the 54 WRS and the buzzard emblem was on our barracks near the "greasy spoon" If you check out my photos in the gallery under my name Tom C, you'll see the emblem on our barracks. Tom Como
  2. Jim & J, If you look at the gallery of pictures under my name "Tom C" you'll see I posted some pictures of some of the Silver Birds in a revetment next to where my plane was parked at Udorm. The picture was taken sometime in 1970. I was with the 54th Weather Recon Squadron out of Guam for operation Popeye.
  3. Dutch, This is from a paper called "Det One Report" yearbook supplement 374th Tactical Airlift Wing. Did July 4, 1972 Tom C. Tsgt USAF (ret) The aircraft was "865" (63-7865) I crewed 63-7864 while at CCK. I was also an assistant crew chief on 55-0015 while at Lockbourne, crew chief on 56-0522 while on Guam, crew chief on 57-0524 at Richards-Gebaur and the at CCK 72 - 73
  4. MsgtRock, check your email. Tom C
  5. Tom C

    Udorn 56-0522.jpg

    I arrived on Guam in September of 1969 and was assigned to 56-0522. The crew chief at that time was Michael Capstick. He rotated back to the states around Jan 1970 and due to my rank (Ssgt) I took over as primary crew chief around that time. I crewed her until she rotated to Chicago ANG in Feb 1971
  6. Tom C


    I was the crew chief on that flight. I only flew one typhoon mission. I didn't keep any of my flying records so I had no idea of the date of that flight. Thanks for filling in the blanks on the date and the mission. Since I was converting my slides to digital, I just assumed that it was either a flight back to Udorn or back to Guam. I should have realized that by the lack of people on board that it was the typhoon mission. Glad you saw your picture!
  7. Tom C

    Sheppard AFB, 1967/68

    From the album: Tom C

  8. Hi all, I'm new to the group, and was amazed to see some of the tail numbers of planes I crewed. I was assigned to Lockbourne (39th) right out of Tech School '68 - '69 (Sheppard) and was 3rd wiper (asst crewchief on 55-0015) Richard Short was crewchief and a guy named Padilla was second in line. Went to Guam from '69 to '71 and crewed 56-0522 for the typhoon chasers but actually spent enough time at Udorn Thailand for a short tour. Also saw mentioned 57-0524 RC130A photo bird. I was Crewchief on that on at Dickie Guber (Richards Gebaur AFB Mo '71 to '72) It was used by 1863rd for communication squadron for critiquing towers for proper lingo.
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