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Dan Wilson

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Posts posted by Dan Wilson

  1. what was the rule, Dan, no smokin' for 12 hours and no drinkin' within 50 feet of the airplane???? I remember somehtin' like that!


    Yep, those were the old days. I remember times when the entire crew went from bar to flight line - sometimes not the wisest thing to do but that's the way things went sometimes back then.

  2. Good one Jim. If you ain't been sick in a 130 you ain't flown much in one , ha ha. Bill :)

    5000 hours and many many of them extreme low level and never got sick once. Now I wont say there wasn't a couple of times I hung a garbage bag over the back of the pilots seat for those hot day low levels following a hard night of consuming the cheapest local variety of alcohol (sometimes terminating a few hours prior to show time).

  3. The problem with resetting the CB on an indicator that has gone off scale high or low is that the fuel probes in the wing can fail in such a way as they actually become a capacitor and can shoot a high voltage discharge right into the tank.

    In the USAF fuels TO there must be at least a hundred warnings not to reset these CB's until the proper troubleshooting is complied with.

  4. Gizzard, yep, still having to take the meds for the histoplasmosis; just had my seven month followup and my damn lungs are in worse shape than they were when this all started.

    CFisher, at least you didn't say I look like a dildo LOL I do remeber having some students tell me that I intimidated them- I dont know why.

  5. P&T (permenant and total disability), this may be applied to a less than 100% rating and get you a payment equal to 100%. Then there is I.U. (individual unemployability), which in the end may also increase your entitlement

    Actually a P&T rating is only supposed to be applied to 100%, the I.U. rating can be applied to as little as 50 or 60% if I remember right; you will get paid at the 100% rate but wont get all the other goodies that you get with a 100% P&T rating.

  6. [h=2]Modern politics[/h]

    Politics explained


    You have 2 cows.

    You give one to your neighbour.


    You have 2 cows.

    The State takes both and gives you some milk.


    You have 2 cows.

    The State takes both and sells you some milk.


    You have 2 cows.

    The State takes both and shoots you.


    You have 2 cows.

    The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then throws the milk



    You have two cows.

    You sell one and buy a bull.

    Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.

    You sell them and retire on the income.


    You have two cows.

    You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.

    Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow has dropped dead.


    You have two cows.

    You go on strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you want

    three cows.


    You have two cows.

    You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and

    produce twenty times the milk.

    You then create a clever cow cartoon image called 'Cowkimon' and market it



    You have two cows.

    You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk



    You have two cows, but you don't know where they are.

    You decide to have lunch.


    You have two cows.

    You count them and learn you have five cows.

    You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.

    You count them again and learn you have 2 cows.

    You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.


    You have two cows.

    You have 300 people milking them.

    You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity.

    You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.


    You have two cows.

    You worship them.


    You have two cows.

    Both are mad.


    Everyone thinks you have lots of cows.

    You tell them that you have none.

    No-one believes you, so they bomb the **** out of you and invade your country.

    You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of Democracy....


    You have two cows.

    Business seems pretty good.

    You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.


    You have two cows.

    The one on the left looks very attractive.


    You have two cows.

    You borrow against the cows from the Germans

    You kill the cows and make souvlaki

    You can’t pay the interest so the Germans lend you more money

    You can’t pay the interest so the Germans lend you more money

    You can’t pay the interest so the Germans lend you more money

    You can’t pay the interest so the Germans lend you more money

  7. All I can tell you is NOBODY knows what causes the four engine roll backs

    For decades lackheed denied they even happened

    A couple I know of they had to pull the syncrophaser out of the rack to get the power back

    they thought it was the tube type syncrophaser that caused it, this was the reason they switched to solid state syncrophasers; the result was fewer rollbacks but they were more sever when they happened and your syncrophaser didn't work for crap. Man we missed the tube type, they at least worked.

  8. George

    All the HC-H's got pods and were redesignated HC-130P's

    Many HC-P and HC-N were moved to AFSICK back in the early 90's or late 80's

    In 95 or 96 we re-designated all of our (AFSOC's) HC-P/N's to MC-130P and MC-130N; the reason was to allow us to dip into a different pot of money that the HC designation prevented.

    The most confusing move was in 97 when they changed all the MC-130N's to MC-130P's even though they still had the non Fulton radomes, they say for standardization.

    So All MC-130N's are now MC-130P's so you had P models with two different drag indexes

    Also the re-designation from HC to MC was done regardless of mods to the birds, SOFI and Dumb birds alike were re-designated.

    Rescue still fly's HC-130P's N's and J's and the H's are all re-designated P's when they put the pods on them.

  9. I must caution you about the various disability ratings. First of all, despite what you may read, even on the national VA web site, all ratings are subjective, in the end it is the individual rater who makes that determination. Then there is VA math: for instance, 20 plus 20 does not nessarily add up to 40.

    Let me show you my example of the VA numbers that will get you 100%

    I dont remember the exact ratings I got but if you added them together its close to 200 just to get 100

    there were five or six 10 ratings, a couple 20 ratings, a 30 (chronic vertigo- cost me my bike riding dammit), a 50 for sleep apnea with cpap and a 60 for a destroyed back.

    All this on the ratings tables come to 95 and rounded up is 100%

    I wish I could remember all the individual ratings, I must have had thirty of them and just slid by to get 100% after three years fighting.

    When dealing with the MORONS that run the VA ADMIN arena, there are a couple things to always remember

    When sending in a ratings package ALWAYS send it return receipt so you know time, date and who got your package

    You can rely on the VSO's to help you but I found I could do it quicker and better myself, download yourself a copy of CFR 38, and get to know it!

    USE YOUR CONGRESSMAN'S OFFICE, hell that's what he's there for, I must have filed five congressional's against these f%^kheads

    Dont give up, they are betting on you giving in after the first denial, hell that's their bread and butter and they laugh at us behind our backs

    What finally got me my 100% was a personal letter from my wife and a former co'worker, no matter what my medical records said they blew me off but a single submission of letters and WHAM I got it. So remember your ol lady has lots of power to get you what you need.

    Anybody has any specific questions for me, get ahold of me here or email (more sure way to get ahold of me) [email protected] (yeah I know all about email harvesting bots)

    NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT and dont forget to shove the pineapple up Hitlers a** everyday at 4PM (sorry, just watched little nickey again)

  10. SW Asia instead of SE Asia

    Sitting on the ramp at Dhahran, waiting for the prime mover to push an engine into the plane so the load and I can tie it down and all of a sudden the kid driving the prime mover gets off and runs away. Load and I look at each other and give the shrug shoulders thing and after a couple minutes the two of us finish loading. When were done, I give the old fifty foot off the nose to smoke three or four smokes and do told data and WHAM a bunch of scud junk lands about two hundred yards away.

    Apparently they had some kind of alarm that the two of us didn't hear (pilots were off getting their happy meals).

    I also got forgot at Tinker once, out the very end of the line and look out the cockpit winders and looks like the line is empty cause all the other 16 or so planes were dark, its starting to get windy so I need to close the bird up and when I am back closing the galley door I hear something that sounds a whole lot like a C5 taxiing by. Well I go back up to the flight deck and sit down, a couple minutes later I see the expediter truck zooming out to my bird.

    It seems everybody was evac'd for a tornado warning, they forgot about me and the C5 I heard was that damn tornado going right by the tail of my bird

  11. Yep, it sure is a real critter gitter :) It draws every head when I show up with it but I usually offer it up to anyone that wants a little belt time.

    Yep, that's the wife shooting the 1911, she was shooting a M1 Carbine and a Taurus PT-145 before that.

  12. Run out to see a herk? Hell I used to do that when I lived in Crestview a couple dozen times a day. Here I dont think I will ever see one, we do have a white Cessna that fly's over every week but that's all the aircraft I get to see in our sky's.

    At least my wife understands the "affair" with the Herk, or if she doesn't understand she at least supports my addiction :)we-haul.gif

  13. Found an excellent shooting range here, probably the best range I have seen in a long time.

    Its run by the conservation folks, its public and FREE to use (thank God I get something for all these taxes here in IN).

    It was a nice day, warmed up and was about 33 or 34 and sunny and we had a great time!!


  14. Giz and all a Happy New Year to y'all too.

    I am glad your wife is doing good

    Let me guess the argument on pain management, wife is old school - drugs manage pain (Yaa, that's my school) and your daughter is of the misguided new generation of medico's that believe pain killers are counterproductive to pain management10171.gif (those folks and I just dont see eye to eye)

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