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robertus eko

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  1. Do you know what is the part number of the dual rail?
  2. Hello guys, I am Major in Indonesia Air Force. I am looking for the manufacturer of liferaft F2B. On Fedlis i found Switlik but when i email them, they said they're not on that business again. Could anyone help me find its manufacturer or distributor? I am looking for the Factory New condition. Thanks, I hope you understand my English grammar :D
  3. Thanks to you all guys, it helps me a lot. Btw I got my promotion last April and now I am a Major, best luck to you all.
  4. Does anyone here know what type of stretcher available for C-130? For Medivac purpose. I am looking for stretcher's part number to be procured. Really need your help. Thanks Robertus Eko Captain
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