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Everything posted by damnpoor

  1. Steve1300 wrote: The elephant ears are the panels on each side of the nose of the fulton recovery herks, the ones you open for access to the radome bolts.
  2. It says in the GE and in the -6 to set tires to a slightly lower pressure for substandard fields, as I\'m sure you all know. It also says to set pressures for the highest takeoff weight of the day. So if you\'re taking off from a concrete runway, then landing on dirt, then coming back to concrete, do you set the tire pressures to the max gross weight for standard fields or for the dirt fields?
  3. Dominion wrote: This is currently in the testing phase with the NY ANG.
  4. Blackmac_Project wrote: Oohhhh I see now. It would have been just like this one; [img size=150]http://www.aug.edu/~libwrw/vwar/ron1/R1_1965/Shoemake/images/shoe53.jpg
  5. I was just watching Heartbreak Ridge, and at the end when they fly home on the 130 it\'s lacking externals but has pods. I\'ve never seen a herk with pods but not externals. What\'s going on here? I found this screenshot, but you can\'t see the pods from it; [img size=150]http://victoryatseaonline.com/war/otherwars/heartbreak/ridge-32.jpg
  6. agarrett wrote: So are you asking why you can open the offload valve with the master switch in drain?
  7. agarrett wrote: On the MC-P it is in the center drybay. I don\'t know how they do it on slicks or Talons. I know that some of the fuel system was modified when they added the pods and fuselage tanks and now a few valves don\'t really match the schematic anymore.
  8. We had another one a few days ago - the crew was doing pilot pro and thought they took a bird on approach. The eng and load got out and looked over the plane at the end of the runway and saw nothing, so they kept flying. After they landed during the thruflight we found a bird that had hit the strut itself and got stuck in a wire bundle in the wheel well. It\'s that time of year I guess.
  9. US Herk wrote: Before I got to my unit we had one plane scare up a bunch of birds during approach. They were all hiding in the grass and on the stripes of the approach end and flew straight up into the plane\'s flight path. They counted 277 bird strikes and had to change 3 engines and several leading edges. Then, and here\'s the best part, they had them all form up and take a MXS group photo in front of it!
  10. Last week one of our planes hit some birds while flying low over the Pacific ocean. It was flying great all week, and now it\'s grounded for a few stupid seagulls. One tried to skewer itself on the pitot tube and left messy blood all over the nose by the crew door, another bounced off the armpit area and left blood and guts streaked all down the side from near the ATM all the way back to the paratroop door. The third bird went clean through the leading edge on the horizontal stab. [img size=400]http://herkybirds.com/images/fbfiles/images/birdhole1.jpg Please share your best bird strike stories.
  11. We always do the checks with the dummy bottle when we change rafts and it always checks OK.
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