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Skip Davenport

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Posts posted by Skip Davenport

  1. Skip...

    I'd recommend you to take a look at this forum


    Eventhough that its a portuguese forum, all of the posters speak english and you can find lots of info that you may consider useful or curious at least. Theres lots of info on the talons that you brought here. And some other goodies. just register and start blabbing that everyone will be welcoming you. You can even use me as a reference. They all know me. My user there is esq501. Take care...

    can't figure out how to register -- PM me or email me at [email protected]

  2. it dealt with the how to for Tactical Operations Employment -- also known as TAC 55-130, MAC 55-130 & AFSOC 55-130. Chapter 10 was the local Sq procedures.

    FYI -- I was one of the two AF pilots for Project Peace Talon that set up the T-38's at Base Area 5. I flew the first one. It was a test flight after being put back together. They (6) were flown into Lisbon in a C-5. After, test flights we flew them up to Base Area 5. Col Seabra was my first student and Maj Silva (the F-86 CC) was another. Probably didn't spell there names right. If you know how I can get in touch with them that would be GREAT

  3. This is an email from '7thSOS'


    We are getting together again during the Air Commando Assocaition's annual Reunion and have joined forces with the Stray Goose Int'l (SGI) (1 SOS) from 9-11 Oct 2009. We are also planning the next Worldwide Combat Talon (WWCT) 2010 reunion from 21-23 May 2010.

    Here is the information on this year's get together.

    SGI/7th ACS/SOS Fall Reunion

    October 9, 10, 11, 2009 – Hurlburt Field

    Make plans now to attend the Stray Goose International/7th Air Commando Society/SOS fall reunion, to be held 9-11 October 2009 at the Hurlburt Field picnic grounds. Once again, this year’s event coincides with the Air Commando Association reunion, which is held annually over the Columbus Day holiday weekend.

    When you find something that works…stay with it. The schedule of events is the same as past SGI reunions: cookout and business meetings (as required) on Friday night, pig roast and picnic on Saturday afternoon/evening, and a memorial service with the ACA on Sunday at the Hurlburt air park. Except for the memorial service, all events will be held at the picnic grounds south of Hwy 98 on the sound side.

    In true Combat Talon fashion, we’ll make it up as we go along. More details are forthcoming, but here’s what we know now:

    --Friday, 9 October, 1400 --Begin site and country store set up at the picnic


    --Friday, 9 October, 1600 - ??? – Cookout and kegs (sponsored by

    7ACS/SOS), and separate business meetings as necessary

    --Saturday, 10 October, all day – Hospitality tent open for war-story

    telling and beer drinking

    --Saturday, 10 October, 1600 - ??? – Pig roast, picnic and kegs (sponsored

    by SGI)

    --Sunday, 11 October, 1200 -- ACA Memorial service at air park

    --Sunday, 11 Oct, 1300 - ??? -- Site clean-up and keg drain

    Final costs for the Friday and Saturday events will be posted, but we’re projecting $15 per person per night (Sunday free), or $25 per person for the entire weekend. Kids 12 and younger free. No pre-registration - all done on site.

    Everyone is encouraged to bring a picnic food item/dessert to share on Friday and Saturday nights.

    Due to the combined events with the ACA and non-availability of the Quality Inn, our members will be on their own for transportation and lodging.

    By the way, Talon personnel from the 15th, 711th and the old 8th SOS’s are welcome (and encouraged) to join us!

    Briefing complete! Help us get the word out to all current and former Combat Talon members and let’s make this event the best ever.

  4. Skip,

    Can you give me the coordinates to the download site ?

    189.00 is a bit out of my grasp as well !

    THANKS as always


    I'm checking with someone that downloaded -- will get back with you when I know. You might want to try an email to AFSOC historian at Hurbie -- they might still have some copies.

  5. You Might be a Crew Chief IF.....

    You've ever said, "Oh yes sir, it's supposed to look like that."

    You've ever sucked LOX to cure a hangover.

    You know what JP4/JP5 tastes like.

    You've ever used a piece of safety wire as a toothpick.

    You've ever had to say, "My boots are still black!" (or ever

    spray-painted them black)

    You have ever used soot from the tailpipe to blacken your boots.

    You believe the aircraft has a soul.

    You talk to the aircraft.

    The only thing you know about any city is where the good bars are.

    You know more about your coworkers than you do about your own family.

    You can't figure out why maintenance officers exist.

    You ever wished the pilot would just say, "Great aircraft!"

    You think everyone who isn't a Crew Chief is a wimp.

    You wondered where they keep finding the idiots that keep making up stupid rules.

    You consider 'Moly-B' fingerprints on food an 'acquired taste'.

    You've ever been told to "go get us some prop wash, a yard of flight line or the keys to the jet.

    You have ever jumped inside an intake to get out of the rain.

    Little yellow ear plugs are all over your house.

    You have ever preflighted in really bad weather only to learn that the flight was canceled hours ago.

    Your spouse refuses to watch any aviation shows or attend air shows with you.

    You have ever looked for pictures of "your" jet in aviation books and magazines.

    You can't figure out why two weeks of advance per-diem is gone after three days.

    You can sleep anywhere, anytime. But as soon as the engines shut down you are wide awake.

    You have ever used, wheel chock, or tow bar for a pillow.

    You have ever stood on wheel chocks to keep your feet dry.

    You have ever used a pair of Dykes to trim a fingernail.

    You have ever pulled the gun switch while riding brakes.

    You have ever started a jet inside the hanger!

    You have ever wiped leaks right before a crew show.

    All you care about is the flying schedule and your days off.

    You have ever had to de-fuel your jet an hour after fueling it.

    Everyone you know has some kind of nickname.

    You have used the "Pull Chocks" hand signal to tell your buddies it is

    time to leave..

    You have ever bled hydraulic fluid into a Gatorade bottle or soda can

    because you are too lazy to go get a hydraulic bucket and the Hazmat


    If have you ever been tackled, duct taped to a tow bar, covered in PET

    and sand, egged, sour-milked, peanut buttered and jellied, and slapped under

    the emergency wash station in 30 degree weather?

    You know in your heart that your jet is female.

    You refer to ANY machine as "she."

    You refer to QA as "the enemy."

    You hate Ops, Maintenance Control, QA, and cops.

    You know the international marshalling sign for "pull your head out of your ass."

    You've ever worked weekend duty on a jet that isn't flying on Monday.

    You've wanted the jet to start just so you can warm up.

    You can't remember half of your co-workers real names... only their nicknames.

    You fix 30 million dollar jets, but can't figure out what's wrong with your $150 lawnmower.

    Your toolbox at home has wheels and foam cutouts, just like the ones at work.

    Some of the tools in your toolbox at home are etched.

    If the way you measure the cost of living in other countries is by the price of a beer at a bar.

    And best of all…

    You know everyone you send this to will understand… because they’ve all been crew chiefs or been around them!

  6. I am on the road right now and will try to find it again as I now have a new computer and lost everything on the old one. Maybe one of the guys I emailed it to can email it back to me or Casy so he can post it here. Thanks

  7. The WWCT Reunion is scheduled for 21-23 May 2010. Proceeds and donations to support the Combat Talon Memorial Fund. As a Tri-Chair of the Reunion with George Ferkes (7ACS) and Lee Hess (Stray Goose) I am trying to pin down a list of those former CT crewmembers who flew with the 8th SOS only. Most CT people flew in multiple units. Please help me in this endeavour and disseminate this e-mail to all on your mailing list who could assist. Thanks in advance. Regards, Bob Brenci [email protected]

  8. Hi Guys & Gals,

    Received this from a fellow vet and felt it should be shared. It’s quite powerful, give a listen and remember the reason we have a Memorial Day.

    Be prepared, if you have not heard this before, it's tough to get through! I know that this upcoming holiday, Memorial Day, will always have a special meaning to those of us who have served or who have been touched by those who have served. Take a moment to honor those who gave their all....


  9. This coming Memorial Day we are praying for Marge's Dad. He is 92 a WWII Purple Heart recipient Vet and his health is deteriorating rapidly. We also pray for all of our great brave men and women currently serving in harms way for defending us from all threats foreign and domestic. Let us also not to forget those serving throughout the US and Worldwide in places standing watch protecting and keeping us safe.

    I would also like to say thank you to all those men and women I had the great pleasure and honor to serve with. The sacrifices you made with family and friends during your time of duty to our great country protecting our freedom. You are true warriors each and everyone.

    For this I salute each and everyone of you.

    Have a great day with your family and friends and remember to say a special prayer for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice and those friends who are no longer with us.

  10. Since we're in the bible and talking history, did you know that women having PMS was mentioned in the bible?

    "...and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem."

    now that is funny :) LOL

  11. Howdy --- I think this guy must have been a Herk crew member -- so when you thought that had seen or heard everything..... Just watch! This is a classic & I guarantee you..... you will laugh!!!

    Click here



  12. Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel "pick up your shovel, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the promised land".

    Nearly 75 years ago, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses and light up a camel, this is the promised land."

    ... Read More

    Now Obama is going to steal your shovel, kick your asses, raise the price of camels and mortgage the promised land.

  13. As for MC-130E combat losses, does sitting in flyable storage at March count to a "political combat loss" ?? :D:D

    Now that you mention it I guess it that would add 4 to the loss list. :(

  14. I came throw Jackson Hole a while back and couldn't remember the details of what caused the crash and did any of the crew survive. I'm sure some of you do.

    This was on a presidential support mission, night takeoff. New AC and a green CP. Unfortunately it was all crew error. They turned and flew into the mountains. Really a sad story no one survived.

  15. "The MC-130W was instituted in 2006 to replace combat losses of the MC-130E/H Combat Talon, which was used mainly for snake-eater air drops."

    Since when did we lose an MC-130Es in recent combat.....didn't think so.

    The last MC-130E loss was many years ago in the PI on a night NVG approach

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