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Posts posted by Plaprad

  1. A few years ago at Al Udeid, I brought my plane in and started my postflight. I started putting troop seats up to sweep and lo and behold there was an M-16 with a full clip wedged in behind the dual rails. About that time the expeditor pulled up. I slung the rifle on my back and went out to grab my forms like nothing was going on. The first words out of his mouth were "Who in the hell would give you a weapon?" He got in rouch with the troops they hauled and the weapon got back to them. I do feel sorry for whoever left it though.

  2. When I was at Dyess, each aircraft in the airpark had a squadron assigned to take care of them. If I remember correctly, one of the intel squadrons had her. We made a big fuss about it that office people were to maintain the 130 when the AMXS for 130's got the Carabou.

  3. The stuff from the desert is about the same. Alot of guys got the gold cartouches. Gave my mom and several girlfriends one over the years. Got a couple of the headwraps, still havn't figured out how to put the damn things on. Got a coupe cheap statues, the only one I remember is a camel. Also got a romance novel from Kuwait for my grandmother. Took her a minute to realize the thing was in Arabic. Other than that, lots of gold amd whatever was cheap downtown.

  4. Back on my first deployment in 02' Crew Chiefs were not given weapons. However, we somehow managed to check an extra out to the crew that wound up in the CC's holster. I still remember my M9 training course on the ramp in Kuwait. I got a shoulder holster in A-stan to keep it in during flights. After a couple years they started actually issueing M9's. Though I hardly ever got one on missions. Somehow my buddy managed to get shotgun qualed and carried a 12ga on missions with him. Still not exactly sure how he pulled that off.

  5. Hopefully one to the WR-ALC depot maintenance guys will read the thread and enlighten us as to how the depot deals with the issue. .

    I don't think you want to know how they deal with issues.

    As for me, I wouldn't do it that way. They're hard enough to get on without touching anything. Probably leave all the access panels off and find the smallest guy on the crew to peek. Or if you leak check for more than 12 hours, might be able to pick something up with a PID meter.

  6. It's still not better. About five years ago I had a 31inch waist, weighed 155lbs, and had to go through "Fat Boy" for four months. Of course that was all due to my squadrons Idiocy. Finally got a Shirt that gave a damn and got me out of it.

  7. The weight of the door is enough to lock it on the ground, usually. In the air sometimes the airflow will push up on it enough to keep it open. Check the 52 series, it should have all the info in there.

  8. Also, do you know what parts have been changed? NLG tires the same type? Also, one of the culprits I see alot if the persone rigging is new to it, they might overtighten or under tighten the steering valve plunger bolt. make sure it spins freely.

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