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Rc c-130


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A fairly new member to this site from Sarasota, FL sent me these photos. His name is Frank Kagele. It's quite a project and will hopefully fly this sometime in the next few months.

It's built in 1/12th scale and has a 134" wingspan. It has functional fowler flaps, ramp, air deflector doors and an engine sync system. It's powered by 4 English 4-stroke .91 ci engines and weighs about 50 pounds. He's also fitting it to do a LAPES!

Frank, if you have anything to add, please join in.

Don R.

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It's an outstanding accomplishment thus far and is certainly an item to be most proud of. As a "constructive" comment: maybe some more research in the paint scheme would add that final touch of realism. At least a black nose radome would be much more "Herkyer"..

I agree with the rest of you guys about flying that puppy.. May Lloyds of London will underwrite it !?


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He told me in an email that he got the color scheme from an A-model (3192) on display at the Minnesota ANG Historical Museum. I think he's now going to put the markings of either the Philippine AF or the Jordanian AF on it.

Don R.

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