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Mil Specs


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Poor guy and/or gal! Has to be a Naval Academy Graduate / former ship-driver! Who in the hell would put up with a career, writing sh-t like this!

This is actually GOOD NEW'S! At least I deal with a little office time aside from flying. Having to think about things like this makes my salary cut-back a little more appreciative!


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I don't have access to FEDLOG anymore, but some years ago I did. I was browsing FEDLOG and found that there was a NSN for Budweiser beer. If it is stock listed, it probably has a Spec of some sort---that would be interesting to read.

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Well, this doesn't specifically say Budweiser, but I believe the number I previously saw did.

I don't guess anybody knows which logistics center manages this stuff, and where they warehouse the stock level.

I wonder if the acquisition guys put this out for bid, and take the lowest bid?

Wonder who that would be?

I just noticed it says FOUO (For Official Use Only). FOUO stuff requires proper disposal, right? I can help there.....

Edited by TalonOneTF
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