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Will Yokota receive C-130Js?

Le Addeur noir

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I was wondering if PACAF will replace their current H model C-130s with newer airplanes?.

I ran into a 36th AS crewmember in 2009 who stated his unit was slated to receive Js,but with funding cuts,this has not so far happened.

Maybe if a C-130J unit is disbanding at Little Rock,the displaced airplanes will replace the 1970s era C-130Hs at Yokota?.

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The timeframe for when Yokota will receive J's is a moving target, and has been effected by several different issues. For one, the Pacific region doesn't have as many strict aircraft requirements as the EU does, so the J isn't necessary for flying in the airspace without a waiver or restrictions. This puts Japan at the lowest of the priority scale for upgrades to the AMC fleet. Another is all the other units that have decided they wanted to go J keep bumping Yokota down the ladder. The date has changed several times, but the current timeline puts it at maybe 2017 or 2018. It will probably change a few times between now and then, so there it's almost a waste of time counting this egg until it actually hatches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought Bob or someone here had stated that they were next in line behind Dyess to get new airplanes?

The Rock is behind Dyess.. with at least two 44J77(5726) & 44J78(5728).... So says the sticker on the fuselage as they move down the lines..

Not sure the tail stripes of each command but the rudders for the above two are gold with black trim stripes.

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  • 1 year later...

Afternoon Bob,

Likewise but my contact said it was wearing 665 this was sometime ago he noted it outside on the flight test ramp. Guess it's possible as the customer is Israel after all so maybe trying to look like they have acquired more to what they actually have to everyone.


Hi Jason

Thanks, I had a note that it might go to Israel as 663?


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