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Skydiving Accident


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A Blonde is watching the news with her husband when the news says,"Two Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident."The blonde starts crying and says to her husband while sobbing"That's horrible! So many men dying that way!" Confused the husband replies "Yes dear, but they were skydiving, and there is always that risk involved." After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, "So how many is a Brazilian?

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Ain't necessarily a stereotype......several years ago, I had a neighbor who's son was datin' an exquisite blonde,,,,,incredibly beautiful but dumb as a box of rocks. One evening, somehow the conversation got around to sun rises and such, and my neighbor said she liked bein' at Myrtle Beach because the condo they alwasy rented faced to the east and she loved to watch the sun rise. The blonde says " You mean people in California never get to see the sun come up?"""

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