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Saw this on line. Savannah getting H-3's. First one from Peterson 94-7321

What are they going to do with Savannah's H's?

Is the AD AF shutting down all its C-130Assoiciate units? At one time there were associate units at Keesler Cheyenne, Peterson and Elmendorf, that I know of.

Also I heard if the Associate unit at Pete closed, AFRC would keep the extra herks for their MAFFS mission. Guess not?


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They are grouping all the model year H3's together for MX simplicity, so the units don't have to carry extra parts for the differences between the 92-94/95 96model year group of H3's.  We (130AS Charlie West), are sending our 94's 6705-6708 to Savanna.  We are receiving four Peterson 96 models to go with our current 95 models 6709-12.  I do believe there are multiple units involved in the H3 tail shuffle.  I do believe Peoria is sending Savanna 94-6701-6703.   When the dust settles Savanna should have tail numbers 6701-08 minus the 6704 which an AMP bird, and the one tail from Peterson.

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Roger that on the trashed AD H3's. Talked to the pro super at Dobbins the other day and he said it took about a year to get the AD H3's up to the high AFRC standards our air crews are used to. Hated to see our one owner since new H2's go away... but that's progress. Our H2's didn't have a delivery flight, we went across the runway with a tug and picked them out and towed them home. Warranty work was a snap. Bill:rolleyes:

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