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Everything posted by Mt.crewchief

  1. Same to you Sonny, and have a happy New Year! Ken
  2. Sonny, I am still here, but I don't check in as much as I should. I will try to get here more often and at least try to contribute more. I recently attended the Veterans Day celebration at the Ben Steele Jr. High In Billings ! Two of my grandchildren attend that school and my daughter is also a teacher there. My oldest grandson graduated from that schools first graduation four years ago. It is a. very nice Jr High built in honor of of BenSteel who was one of the survivors from the POW camp in the Philippines. He is famous for his drawings of the camp while there 1000+ days. The school has a lot of his memoirs on display. Of I remember, I will take some pics of it when I can get my daughter to show me around again. One very interesting thing was is widow ---99 yrs old gave a speech about the old the days after he got back home. I don't live in Billings, but haven't missed a Veterans Day in Billings since my kids were in grade school. When they call about the veterans military branch I have noticed most of the Vietnam veterans I remember aren't there anymore. Kinda sad.!! Anyway, I hope you and all of the veterans here had a good day and I will see you next year. Ken
  3. What Sonny says! It is nice to see the forum in English again. I hope the guys all see that we still have a useable forum! Ken Pics taken from my back yard. Well, the Mountain Lion was out of town---mile or so!
  4. The Montana ANG is also getting the C-130J or already has gotten them according to what I have seen on the local news here in Montana. I will have to keep an eye out for them flying over. Picture of their patch.
  5. Chris, I realize I am a day late for your birthday ---yesterday, but since you are a year older, you will understand. So I hope you had a good day and have more to come. Ken I houghtI would post a few pics of my area which you will remember for a few years ago. Ken
  6. Thanks Lee, I appreciate your remembering my 78th birthday. I do plan on having many (?) more and the way it look it's possible. Ken Trains for you Lee
  7. I would like to wish all you gentlemen a good year. Hopefully This year will be a good one!! Ken
  8. Trying to edit my post above. I meant stationed at Naha and CCK----not CRB. By the way Sonny, I will see what I can do about making some copies of the Keystone Kapers. Honest!!! Picture of my E Model I crewed at CCK taken years later while it was on a mission to New Orleans during Katrina. It was stationed at Little Rock at the time. It's next home base was the Boneyard.
  9. Do any of you guys remember a Ron Tennyson from Missouri. He was in my class and went to PI. Also in the picture is a Donald Fargnoli from New York I think. He was at Naha I think, but I never saw him but a few times. A guy named Ron Harper Was in the 817th . a Naha and a guy named Johnny Knebel was at Naha also. I am sure there are more of my class pictured were over there at the same time, Maybe Tachikawa. I used to run into guys I knew from Shepherd while at CRB quite often but wasn't sure what base they were from. I was at CRB almost every month for 29 months while stationed at CRB and CCK and 3 months at Ubon. One month I was at Naha full time I guess. Anyway my DD 214 shows 33 months total.
  10. Just dropping by checking to see if anybody recognizes any of the fine looking Airmen of the late 60's thru 71. Also, I hope all of you guys have a nice Christmas and New Year. Ken
  11. I forgot to say I was at Naha from Sept. 67 to Mar. 69. Msgt. Andy Haskell was my boss. I was 3rd. Wiper on 56-475 . I will post some pics of my Tech School class and I do remember most of the guys. The one guy maybe 2 are Johnny Knebel and Harper were for sure at Naha, and I ran into some of the other guys at CRB for the rest of my tour. Chris Carter and I both volunteered to go to Ubon as crew members on a Blind Bat crew. (flare kickers). He and I are pictured on the left side of the crew . Me with the glasses andhe is the short one with his regular fatigues etc. I can give all of the rest of the crews names if need be. The pictures I hope to post now are of my tech school. Maybe !!! Until I get my shit together, I will have to post one of Ann Margaret with the Bob Hope show in either 67 or 68.
  12. Dallas. thanks for replying to my query. What years were you stationed at Naha in the 41st. One of my classmates from Tech School was in the 41st while I was there in late 67 thru early 69. Of course I can't remember it now. I will see if I can post a pic of my class.. Also, there are probably several guys in my class that some you guys may know . If so, I would like to hear about them etc. I will attach a pic or two of my class as soon a I sign off! Also, I just remembered running in to a guy I graduated high school with. (1964) . His name is Larry Barndt and he was in charge of the 780 section or the other supply room at Naha. He had his wife there also. He is still kicking and lives in Wyoming. I will be back with a pic or two of my Tech School class. Ken
  13. Thanks, Sonny for your input! I knew you were still around. It would be great to know all of the young gentlemen pictured are still around. I have many more that I will try to post names with them. Ken
  14. I was thinking it would be nice to see if after all of these years there are still some guys out there that are still looking for some word about their old friends. Especially in the late 60's to the early 70's. You know, the guys from Naha, CCK. Ubon, Tachikawa, Clark, Max Tan etc. All were Viet Nam Veterans probably! Maybe we could post a pic or two ---if we still remember how!!! I will try 1st: I know all of these people Ken ,
  15. Sonny, no it isn't a picture of mine. I think it may be a picture taken of one of the C-130H birds stationed at Great Falls. An ANG group. Looks too new to be one of the two planes I crew-chiefed on. At Naha and CCK. Acft 56-475 & 62-1804 Ken
  16. Hey two young fellers Happy Birthday Chris(Tinwhistle), Lee (314 FMS) , Chris on the 8th & and Lee also ---I think!! I am pretty sure your birthdays are Feb 8th, a day before mine on he 9th!! I both of you guys are doing well Ken
  17. Merry Christmas to you too Sonny! Have a happy New Year also. Just a few business cards to jog your memory!!
  18. Good ones Sonny, good to see you are still posting the funnies. I think there are some more "old farts" still enjoying them! do I need to mention that the 35th TAS is still #1 !!!
  19. Again another year and another year older , Lee and Chris, I think your birthdays are yesterday, and today and just in case I screwed this up we all know what the reason is. At least you guys for sure ,which means you guys are older than me for a few more hours or maybe a year in Chris's case. 😁. I hope you both have /had a nice day and hopefully you both will be here for your next birthdays. I know I plan on it! Again, happy birthdays to both of you, Ken
  20. Lovely Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam aka The Sandpile, among other things😎
  21. Sonny, I wish you and all of you others a happy New Year also.---I plan on being around then!! I see that we were probably both sitting on the parking area at CRB at the same time on Christmas of 1967 and New Year 1968. That was my first trip to Vietnam on 56-0475 . I used to ask, on this forum, every year if anybody remembers my acft getting shot up fairly extensively on Jan 1st 1968 at Katum VN. I was on that flight and boy was it exciting. We got shot (small arms) 13 times and had fuel spewing out of the left wing between the engines. Of course we had to land, and get the (105mm w/fuses) offloaded and figure out a way to stop the fuel leak. Dan Lafferty , the assistant crew-chief on 475 & I took the ladder off the bulkhead and pounded some fuel cell dowells into the holes with JP-4 soaking us in the process. When we got the leak stopped (kind of) then the FE started the GTC---blowing hot exhaust on the large fuel pool while I transferred the fuel at the fuel panel to balance the wings for take-off. Anyway, we made it back to CRB and I spent the night over in Fuel Cell ---no power--in the dark-- in VC country (or so it seemed) until daylight waiting to get out of there. Over the years on this forum I used to tell this same story hoping to find somebody who remembered it! No luck, so I finally quit trying. Now that quite a few years have gone by, I am asking again. I may have gotten the dates mixed up, but I doubt it. I do remember that everywhere we went that day, we were hauling and off loading ammo while the bases were under attack. Most of the time pushing it out onto the cement while taxiing . I know that TET started that month, but towards the end of Jan. If any of you guys remember something happening like that during the same time over there, I would appreciate hearing from you. at kpcrlson@charter.net One more memory is that I remember a change of command --or something like that, that I got stuck marching in at Naha, the flight crew got medals for that mission. Which of course is par for the course, but ---how would you feel watching that knowing that you and your partner did all of the work? I have no idea where the flight crew was when all of that was happening. So, thanks for listening, and helping me get that off my chest all of you have a good 2022. Ken Carlson
  22. Thanks Sonny, I hope you are doing well for another Christmas. I want to wish the rest of you old timers (you know who you are) 😃 , a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year also. Things are good hear in Montana, and I hope they are the same where you are. I am planning on being here next year at this time and would be happy to hear from any of you until then. e-mail add. kpcrlson@charter.net Hopefullyl this download will work---Pics of a Montana Rail Link Veterans appreciation.
  23. Good one, nascarpop! It brightened up a dreary day. Ken
  24. Hi, I knew two guys that came to Naha when I was there from 1967 to Mar 69 that both came from Sewart. I think at the same time. t least in 1968 sometime. One was Gary Levesque from Washington & the other was John Eggers. I am not sure where he was from. John had re-enlisted and was on his second tour. Gary was my roommate and if you knew him, you wouldn't forget him. He was very outspoken and funny, and also sometimes annoying🥴. He was engine run qualified, and also knew more about the C-130 than anybody I have ever known (he was under 4)! If you knew them, let me know. I may have some stories. 😃 Ken
  25. I almost forgot how old you and Chris are tomorrow. Have a good birthday. Your younger friend, Ken
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