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Posts posted by gizzard

  1. Now, if they could make it leave black exhaust trails! And of course it could use 4 bladed props!!

    At least it's the right color---huh' Chris (tinwhistle)? :cool:

    Naw, he thinks they ought to be SILVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know what the poor man's hang up is!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Hey, troops, the world renowned Giz is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to say about this....sometimes I would have a pax ask what that was back there, cause they could see the rods moving. I would tell them that it was our tail guns, in search mode. Never once did anyone ask why the bores were visible instead of the receivers.................... My wife and I went to Wisconsin to visit Tinwhistle in June. What a trip!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY should go..........................TNX, TW, we really had a grand time..

    load clear


  3. Yep, believe me, the travel vouchers are the best thing you can have. Just because you were awarded a VSM, does not immediately fill that requirement. BUFF crews got the VSM and never put a foot on VN soil. I think that that should be expanded to"wheels on the ground", too. because suppose a flight crew brought a plane to somewhere in country for a one-time quick offload, the only members of the crew who got off were the loady and crew chief.......but ALL would qualify for the VSM, there is no time requirement, no location requirement, the personnel workin' in Thailand, Guam, Okinawa,on ships at sea, all were eligible for it if they participated in any way in support of the war. The VN Campaign medal required six months service, I'm not sure of the locations, etc.

  4. Ya know, what bothers me about all this is simply, if these troops require the chairs, the ramps, and all that, and if they are legitimately injured in the line of duty, then why the hell does there even have to be organizations, setting themselves up as tax-free non-profits and so on, with large corporate structures, to provide them???? Why the hell does our government that put them in their situation take care of it????? Oh, yeah, forgot..... VA!!!! BUT the government can hand out cell phones, free food.,cars, heat, you name it to people who never turned their hand at anything in their lives, but put the bone to our troops????

    I don't get it!!!!!!!

  5. You have a point, to some degree, Sonnie, but when you mention you are from Western Maryland, the flatlanders down there say " oh, you're from FREDERICK!!!!!!!!" and look at the way they gerrymandered our congressional district to include areas of the state that have nothing in common with us in regards to income, race, education, job opportunities, transportation, or culture, just so they could cancel out what conservative votes we had. Good old OWE-Malley and his cronies can be thanked for that. The state put three prisons up here, one really a Super-Max which was promised never to be here, and, immediately afterward came the crime, the drugs, and increased welfare.......Ain't the same as when Larry and TW were truckin' through here, that's for sure. now they barkin' down in Annapolis about coal generation surcharges and rescinding the coal credit tax, and some ridiculous paper production "black liquor" standard that will, if passed, kill two of the last major industries left here.......We must SECEDE to SUCCEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. So, not much happening these days in rugged rural Western Maryland. Is it true western Marylanders still read their electric meters? :D

    Frankly, I think Maryland would be a better place if the capital was in Cumberland.

    No we just spray paint them black now......... I'd like it better if we were a separate state,,,,,,, the eastern part only thinks of us as a revenue source, anyway.

  7. According to a researcher Alexander the Great came up with a crude timepiece for his many soldiers, consisting of a chemically treated cloth worn on the left forearm. Under the heat of the sun, the cloth changed colors every hour, providing the Macedonian warriors with the world’s first wrist watch. The device was known as Alexander’s Rag TimeBand.”

    The Cumberland News of Cumberland, Maryland, November 6, 1963

    * * *

    Since this is my home newspaper, such as it is, I would believe this was a HEADLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Did different wings have different equipment lists???? TW, you may be the best to answer this, when I was in basic survival at Fairchld, in december 70, one of the troops in my squad was an FE from Pope. He insisted that the POB birds had seat pack type survival kits in the racks, and that they were attached to the chutes before bailout. I told him that the 316th birds only had chutes and the racks held the survival suits. And I did not think our chutes could even accept the seat packs. Oh no he insisted the planes are all the same............Any thoughts????

  9. Hi Giz, Sorry it took so long to respond. It has to do with, as you wrote, befuddlement. lol

    I'm guessing you're correct. However, I didn't spend much if any time on aircraft other than my own, so I really can't say. Somewhat off subject, my favorite place to rest inflight was a hammock hung above the ramp and door.

    When accompanying my aircraft cross country I tried to get as much sleep as possible while inflight. The reason being I never knew how long it would take to get the aircraft ready for next morning's departure. Sometimes', if the aircraft was in good shape I'd be in the Q in a couple of hours. Other times would still be there when you and the FE would show for the -1PR. Took more than one shower in the flight line fire station.

    Those were the good old days.

    Yep, it was guys like you that allowed me to have the best job of my life, and come home every time from it. Thanks!!!!!!

  10. Giz, I hear ya!!!

    Thanks guys for the birthday wishes. My Mom (97), says I was born at 2:30 AM that day. Maybe I can find some paperwork on that!!! CRS you know!!!


    The paperwork may have been lost in the Great London fire of 1666!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I worked on some of the first at Naha and Sewart.

    The nose gear doors opened sideways. Some also had the Roman nose.

    Most were in the 2000 hour range.

    I did not know that about the nose gear doors. Always thought that the arrangement on the E's was peculiar in the fact that it seems to introduce a lot of drag at a critical point in the take-off phase. Was that really any issue??

  12. I had one mounted right behind the 245 on every plane I crewed on. Slept on it when TDY a lot also.

    Yep, that's where I remember them being. tied up with the center seat stanchions.........What I can't remember was if they were a checklist item????

  13. You know, it may not be anything that is illegal, in poor taste, yes, and this fellow was there the same time my dad was in the aleutians, but maybe a call to your local FBI office would be in order. I am speakin' without any real authority, but that would be my course, if nothing more than just trying to keep the honor and memory of this soldier from being tarnished.

  14. gizzard,

    Bet you can’t find a bifold type litter designed to support non-ambulatory patients of excess weight and extreme abdominal girth at your local army surplus.


    PRICE: $939.99

    I think my wife would fit on this!!!!!!!!!! We had to get a big stretcher for our ambulance, just too many back injuries trying to haul giant people around, the technical name was a bariatric cot, but we called it a Shamu cot, for obvious reasons....

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