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Everything posted by jrkaegi

  1. N The first bar was the Misty bar ,later bar #2 was called Misty Bar 1 The two Bars were next to each other. 41th tas injoy the ladies of the night. @the Misty Bar And the 21th injoy the Mitzi.
  2. From 68-71 i was in the 21th, 41th, & 374 OMS. Looks like the same barracks i live in. Most of the time i injoy Naminoue,the misty bar. Yes i \"remember it Well.
  3. Saudi\'s own the aircraft.In 1988 the tires where weather crack, and the Saudi thinking don\'t fly why change.
  4. The L-100 was unbelieveable.(real) gold and inside with a king size bed mounted on a gyro, The MS birds and the VIP L100 just sat on the ramp. In 1988 myself and two other crew members would preflight each day and services LOX\'s. That\'s all we did.
  5. The big bucks MS- 130 & VIP L100 had about 100 hrs ACTT: in 1988.
  6. The last time i saw tom .Was at Mcguire afb. the 1980s or so,he was a Flight chief. HE was being transfer to japan. Four naha Blind bat troop assign to McGuire.Tom,Jerry,and Aggar,Working T-Tail bug sucker.
  7. Was Tom Warhya in A Flight at Naha. 68-71 E flight, Blind Bat.
  8. The 130 is Blind Bat Aircraft, with a fwd cargo door. name Cheater in Ubon on the ramp.But as you know When the aircraft returns to Naha. The name is removed.And Jerry S. Was the C/c it is 0533.
  9. Is the Crew chief name J.Supplla over in crew door.Then it was 56-0533.
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