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Originally started on Hercs (along with H-3's and HH-53's) in '79 with the 55 ARRS at Eglin. Worked as an INS-Doppler tech. I left active duty in '81 and joined the Idaho ANG. Started working Hercs (E's and H's) again in '96 again as an INS-Doppler tech. We integrated in with the Comm/Nav'rs and I started working everything from nose to tail and wing tip to wing tip. Always had a great time with the Hercs no matter where we went!!! Being in a smaller squadron than the fighters, we were a closer group. Everybody helping out!!
US Civil Service
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If you have a GTF-6 or silver suitcase available, connect it to one of the flight deck indicators. Follow the tech data to input the capacitance amount for zero and full and adjust the indicator accordingly. Now set in a capacitance amount equal to half full. Check the indicator. Keep changing capacitance values and checking the indicator. If the indicator doesn't follow, you know your indicator is bad. If it does, start looking for bad splices usually in the flap well area. Ensure the splices are environmental. I have changed many splices in the flap well area because the splices were non-environmental and became corroded. Of course, changing out the cable from one coax pass through connector to another is the best choice. Also look at the coax pass through connectors in the flap well area. Make sure the connectors and connections are good and especially checking that the connectors have the insulation washer inside. If they don't, that's an easy way for fluid to enter and create corrosion issues as well. Hope you get if figured out.
Our crews were always told to pull the breaker. Once pulled, the breaker could not be reset until maintenance ran the GTF-6 or "silver suitcase" to check the tank readings for the wiring and probes. FE's were to dip the tank in question in order to fly. Most older Hercs had numerous splices in the wiring especially in the flap well area. Some of these splices were non-environmental. Over time and subjected to water, the wire and metal portion of the splice would corrode and readings would become erratic. During ISO's, I replaced the entire wire between connectors when time permitted. If not, I replaced the splices with environmental splices. It took a few years to get all the planes right, but when that was completed the only problems we had with erratic readings were due to the indicators themselves. As to power, the wiring going from the tank to the indicator is not to be routed in the same bundle as other systems wiring that would have power running on it. Rich
Are you talking about a heading error, bearing error, what? What is FMS? Do either of these systems have selections for mag, true or grid? If so, are they both set to indicate the same selection? What is the declination for your area? Rich
Have you been able to duplicate this with a -205 tester?
pjvr99 is right. We had a oil cooler flap that was fluxuating in flight but could never duplicate on the ground. Finally took a rubber mallet and gently tapped the actuator transmitter while having an ohmmeter connected. The resistance readings were all over the place. When we stopped tapping the transmitter, the readings went back to normal. Replaced the transmitter and worked well after that. Now I can't find my keys either!!
KingChief, I got a reply back from a friend of a friend about some extra armor out there if you are still interested. My friend for some reason sat on the e mail I sent and just got around to replying. PM me if you still need some armor. Rich
I have e mailed a few of the guys from my old unit to ask them about the armor. I will let you know if I hear anything back on it. I still can't remember doing anything with the test plug or if we ever connected anything to it. We always used the test equipment connector near the APN-59 R/T. I have asked some of the other avionics guys the question in the same e mail. Again, I will post here if I get a response back from them on these things or anything else. Rich
We had an E model that had the same issue with the armor. The crew chiefs and chute shop had to manufacture the fit. This was at the Idaho ANG. I thought for a moment everyone was talking about our E, 62-1863. The IDANG no longer has the Hercs. I don't know if this tail was sent to Cheyenne or not, but the armor should have gone with it. You may give the Wyoming guys a call if they have that tail. If you would like, I can call back to my old unit and find out where that tail number was sent after the BRAC. As far as the plug, I sure thought it looked like a test equipment plug too, but if Tiny says that's not it then I don't have a clue what it is. Rich
We had it in our local "pointy head" ISO workcards to check all the screws in the area of the flux valve to make sure they were non ferrous. Never knew when a CC or electrician would use the wrong screw when changing out light assembly. Rich
I used a combo of a Compass Rose and INU. I relied on the INU heading while using the Compass Rose as a cross reference. Had to do a compass cal during a deployment and used the INU. First, had to be sure where we were swinging the aircraft to make sure weren't any metal under or near the location. Worked out fine.
Did the same thing.....the shop chief was gone for the day.......opened up his desk drawer and super glued all his coins together....he came in the next day and went to get the change from his drawer and pulled up the mess. If looks could kill.
We must have been there at the same time (Nov 04 - Feb 05). Can't remember how many times I was "corrected" to use DFAC. I was in charge of the Herc maintenance specialists and was told to relay to them what proper terminology to use when it came to the dining facility. I replied that it was sad that we were more worried about hurting someone in Services feelings and not concentrating on what we were there to do. Just one of the many reasons morale was so low.
I was at the Guard in Idaho when those were mod'd for Senior Scout. We went on quite a few missions with them all over the world. For a maintenance guy, not much room to work in the cargo area when the "box" was installed. We had to have the thinnest guy on the TDY to do any work in the hog trough. It was funny to have a sheet metal guy changing out a GPS receiver since he was the only one who could fit up there.
We had a problem caused by the oil cooler flap actuator servo. When you tapped on it, intermittently the resistance would shoot through the roof.
Is the 241 data proprietary? Know someone at the depot? Maybe they have some data that they could give to you.