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USAF Loadmaster 1973 - 1977
IL ANG 1977-1978
USAFR 1978-1979
IL ANG 1980 - 1989 -
Shadow's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
The 182nd IL ANG in Peoria IL has C-130s, that’s about 20 miles or 15 as the crow flies, from my house, so C-130s fly over several times each week. If I hear a C-130 in the distance I start looking for it by announcing “Herky Bird!†Friends, (none of them former military) know that I’m half deaf in one ear and three fourths in the other and are amazed that I can tell it is a C-130 before it is in sight. My wife is amazed that after all these years I still know “that soundâ€.
Isn't this the approach that claimed the life of Captain "Mad Dog" Roulston in 1978? I had flown with him in 1976 at Little Rock. Yes it was Bob
A frustrated fighter pilot! This can't be true!
Anyone ever hear about Mad Dog and the turkey farm? Is the story true?
You Scored as Support Gunner You're a support gunner. You carry a big gun, and people generally call on you when in trouble. You're a strong person physically and emotionaly. You can take being on the front lines of any problem clearing paths for your buddies. You generally lead the way with your strong personality, hitting the problem with all the tact and finesse of a Chain-Saw Murderer. CLICK, Cha-chink... DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA!!! Combat Infantry/Armor 81% Support Gunner 81% Artillery/Aircraft 81% Special Ops 75% Engineer 75% Medic 69% Officer 69% Civilian 0%
This probably won't be much help, but we sold some Cat D10s and D11s to a shipyard. They had a serious issue with birds, gulls. They ordered these machines painted bird egg blue. It seems that the gulls would not make a bomb run on something the same color as their eggs. Perhaps paint the top surfaces of the chopper the same color as the eggs of the offending bird eggs? Add some moving owl decoys to top this off.
15 B52s at one time! I've never seen so many aircraft parts flying in formation at once! I was at DAFB when the 52s came back from Guam. The first hint they were back was the barracks shaking! Very impressive at any age, let alone for a 19 year-old country plow-boy!
Quite a trophy, did you shoot it?
Love it! I spent at least a half hour sending this to others in the office! Bob, I think those WERE the flight attendants on our flight back from Clark in 1974!
I was at Clark when Bullwinkle was there. The story that was related to me was that 72-1297 had taxied in and they were to load the Blu 82 with the engine running and get out of there. The Blu 82 was nowhere to be found, so the (Kadena ?) crew shut down and went into Ops. That was when they nailed 1297. I flew that plane several times at Little Rock. That was the cleanest C-130 I had ever seen. It was the CCs baby. He didn't like writeups, so you just had to leave him a note and he would bend over backwards to get you what you needed. Oh, and you better leave the cargo compartment as clean as you found it. After 1297 was blown up they gave him a crappy '64 E model.
I was at Little Rock when 7771 was there. I was scheduled five times on this aircraft, taxied it once, but never was on it when it was off the ground. The time it taxied the FE told me that we would never get off the ground. :-P Several times (O dark thirty and all alone) I heard someone on top of the bird and went outside to look, no one there. While in the Illinois Air National Guard another Guard until hauled us somewhere. The Load was an Aerial Port Loadmaster at Little Rock when I was there. 7771 was in their unit, he told me that all the bugs were worked out of it and it was a good flying aircraft.