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Everything posted by CajunCrewChief

  1. The yokota bird would have been 63-7837---rt nlg tire departed the aircraft during a touch and go at NAS Atsugi back in 1999. What a mess!
  2. When I worked for Southern Air/Lynden Air Cargo part time at Yokota the MLG door were stenciled with No Step...when I asked the mechanics told me that it was the perfect platform for changing an ATM when you prop the door up with a ladder...duh! Never thought of that. Also, the TD amps say the same thing...ever notice that? Prop blades...lots of items!
  3. Isn\'t that supposed to be what the W\'s are for? Why did we rape the guard of their H-Models if the AF was going to source a different aircraft? Just a question!
  4. You could get copies of them from the MXG QA office, they should have them on file and you can read them in detail...just a thought
  5. TCTO 1397, 1573, and 1626 replaced the stainless steel ducting from the wing root through to the horse collars. Sorry it took me longer to get back...I am TDY right now!
  6. Not exactly sure the numbers but there were I know there were at least 2, maybe 3 different TCTO\'s that changed out the ducting. One was in the horse-collars, one for the ducting behind the inboard and center leading edges. I can verify them next week if you would likeB)
  7. I read that this morning too. Sad to hear, it is/was a good aircraft. I ferried it from Yokota to Ramstein back in 2002 and also flew on in a couple of times in PACAF.
  8. I have always preferred the Pressurized check. Seems the atmospheric side was a huge waste of time just to tell you it is low and to drop a few ML at a time. I would always check the atmospheric side, if no fluid on the dipstick, drop the dipstick in the toilet bowl to see how much to service. From experience, I always dropped 1/2 qt less than what registered on the dipstick. My .02 Gary
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