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Everything posted by Fräulein

  1. This had to be the most impressive. For that exact reason. Somewhere in youtube or liveleak there is either a black herk landing or doing a flyby, and the ground troops are chasing it in their truck or humvee. (I gotta start saving those to faves)
  2. Fräulein

    Dans House?

    More pics The panther, lions, and tiger just give the place that WOW factor!!
  3. Fräulein

    Dans House?

    Lols. I found some pics of the inside of his home
  4. If a bird is sitting on a wire or in a tree for an extended length of time - I'm gonna check it out. And if I see a view master with wings flying around - I'm gonna catch it and proceed to hack it into something I can use.
  5. Never thought about it. I do suppose though that some scenes were spoofing Zero Hour. Sad to see Peter Graves there. He was a great actor.
  6. I'll forward the pic to the parents. If he was in FMS, then my dad may know who it is. At first glance I had thought it was my dad because of the haircut and ears. lol
  7. Any info on what he did? Could help narrow down who it is.
  8. Terrorists. Really. Why yes I did see his public access show. Someone has posted a part of it on youtube. I actually had the unfortunate incident of meeting him, when I worked at the library. The guy who pays no taxes came in to use what my taxes pay for. He wanted to use the free internet offered by the library. I told him no, and to GTFO. You could bathe in a Taiwanese "bangzhao"(sp?) ditch and copulate with farm animals for a year and still not smell half as bad as that guy. Wonder if I should link that youtube post - so others can experience the smelly hippy. Again. Terrorists. After the attacks on Spet. 11, 2001, the base gate(s) became less tolerant of the people that would protest. Unfortunately "we" also lost that nice friendly guy who would sit and wave hello at everyone going in and coming out. I believe he lived in the trailer park right there outside of the Wyoming gate. Maybe. ??? I know that the 58thSOW has been really pushing to get more training areas for their Ospreys, here. (Which was the reason for their little show a few weeks back) The conditions here are similar to Afghanistan. Wow. You have to be tough to have lived there. The Shalako. The old sign is still up waaaay in the back. But that place has now become home to the semi-homeless and druggies.
  9. Might be a possibility that he could end up working on the CV22. That is their latest toy. This is true. If you consider shooting at your neighbors, hunting. You can do all of that in the East Mountains. Don Schrader (you remember the naked dirty smelly bathes in his own urine hippy guy who would stand outside the gate and protest every day) Well.. he pretty much keeps to the university area since 2001. However, the well to do pretentious toyota prius driving liberals have well made up for his disappearance. But they have pretty much been sticking to "why are our children failing school?" business lately. True. > http://www.krqe.com/generic/news/crime/crime_west_mesa_bones_search Eleven total. Although it would be nicer news to hear that the aforementioned pretentious toyota prius driving liberals were found dead on the mesa. Hey now...watch it....there is one that is not socially retarded. Currently upgrading old fashioned methods of destruction,to be delivered via Herk. Blu daisies are really neat. It is pretty quiet in the east mountains. But you spend your money on fuel to town.
  10. The only thing I will reload, is the dishwasher. Call me lazy - but I just "save the empties and return them for the deposit". Except in the case of one rental car where we used the roof for a rest and left the trunk open. Then all of the empties ended up in the trunk. And I wasn't gonna bother cleaning that out. Gave something for the rental car people to wonder about when they were cleaning it.
  11. I found the "wait for it....wait for it...wait..." came much sooner than I was expecting it. If you add a Carl Stalling soundtrack to it - that just makes it better.
  12. This was what I noticed. But the video is mislabeled. It is unfortunate that those individauls have probably become a teaching video for many more troops. :/
  13. More than one mile, makes it plural. :P
  14. Shhhhhyeah...that medvac aint gonna help much. Those do not look like "ragheads" to me, though.
  15. Features NSFW language from the ATCs "I've got enough to film the crash."
  16. That second pic is just amazing. You should probably watermark them.
  17. Those are fantastic pics. Bless him and the crew to come home safe.
  18. buh-bam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7Ldii7SwfI
  19. I was looking for images of the V22 from a little soirée, the 58th Special Operations Wing put on a few weeks back. It was one of those "we would like to use your property to conduct our training exercises" kind of deals. I took a few good pics and film - but wanted something better. Anyways... I found this lovely PDF at their website. http://www.aetc.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070103-004.pdf At first glance it looks as though the USAF owns every bit of airspace, except for Deming, Taos, and southern Colorado. Not much in Deming. And Taos is full of liberal peace loving anti gun war hippies and artists. So no loss there. I like to imagine that the poster was kind of drawn up like this: "We need to fly out of the state once in a while. Can we use the airspace here?" AF - "No. that's ours." "what about here?" AF - "Ours." "Here?" AF- "Sorry. Ours." "What about.." AF - "Nope." "How about here?" AF - "Oh yeah...no..wait. No. That is also ours." To corrupt and internet meme - "All your state belong to us." oh -the video I took of the "show n' tell" from the Osprey. It was out in Macintosh. It was extremly cold and windy. http://www.youtube.com/watch_private?v=bzP4MyBjdHI&sharing_token=S78bEuZ413QhyE_SlpWGCA http://www.youtube.com/watch_private?v=p_-sp_jYHzE&sharing_token=bTOXdBV9Okh1s_IvflaDpQ http://www.youtube.com/watch_private?v=souVywfOvLg&sharing_token=GFfb4YDDGD4yNCoA5TJ8kA
  20. From my understanding (after speaking to one of their pilots) they are "pretty fuel efficient". In hindsight I am now kicking myself for not even thinking of asking him this question.
  21. "What the Captain means"... Fantastic, magnificent, amazing, awesome, the sh*t, the bomb, grand, breathtaking, splendid, tremendous, remarkable, amazing, awe-inspiring, astounding, super, and neato keen. The term "made of win" follows the theme of using 'made of *insert word here*' as a way to describe something. It is slang, usually found on the internet, although quite uncommon at present. Although it doesn't seem to follow English grammar properly, win can be defined as a noun, so it isn't always grammatically incorrect, it's just nonsense. However, sentences such as made of awesome are grammatically incorrect, but are still used. Used in a sentence "The Lockheed C130 Hercules aircraft is made of win." Nice window office. Get to kick people and items out the door.
  22. How? Was he pretending he was a gunslinger? Showed him who's boss. :P
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