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Dan Wilson

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Everything posted by Dan Wilson

  1. Yep, we know the scanners windows are important to the mission, and Lockheed knows the scanners windows are important to the CSAR mission. Thats why I fully expect Lockwasher to suggest a mod to put them in - post production for a uhem modest fee!!:mad:
  2. Congratulations on your step up the professional ladder:) Its a very rewarding upgrade and try to keep up the motivation. Just remember when you have a student, teach no techniques and even hesitate to mention one lest the student feels forced to comply to pass the flight. I always figured they can find their own bad habits on their own LOL Keep in mind everytime you have had an instructor hanging over your shoulder, and remember everything they did that was braindead, idiotic, pissed you off and just plain wrong and try your best to keep away from things like that since your student will feel the same as you did. Paperwork is the biggest PITA of the job but remember to document everything, I used to tell the students that I am not hammering them by documenting this switch missed or that switch missed but its is for his own good to help identify possible trends that need worked with. Sorry for the soapbox and congratulations again on the promotion. (kiss your knees goodbye though, wait until your standing for assault landings when some staff toad is trying to get his currency, or sustained 3.5g turns).
  3. All the E models had the upper and lower bunks on the flight deck, I think the B models did too.
  4. I wouldn't doubt the beers either. Dunno about the Navy and Marines but the Air Force today sure aint the Air Force it used to be. More than once I remember the crew leaving the bar for the hotel so you could but your flight suit on to start the TDY crew day - flying. Aint going to say I'm proud of it, Aint going to say I'm ashamed of it, it just was.
  5. http://www.usafhpa.org/experiences/helirefuel/H-3%20Air%20Reueling%20tests.html
  6. Thats exactly what they're doing:mad::mad: Yet all our wunnerful talking heads keep saying "sure we can do all these deployments back to back, sure we got lots o folks and as a matter of fact lets dump another 14K of airmen this year Pure unadulterated political BS, suit or uniform makes no difference these days, all just talking heads
  7. Heh Heh, those Mohawks are butt ugly airplanes anyways, maybe the mouth actually makes it look a little better. Kinda like vomit as compared to Hershey squirts:eek: Gotta love that super guppy though
  8. Nice shot, man I wish I had 7500 bucks extra laying around. M82A1 is a really fun rifle (you can rent one at my range, and full autos too)
  9. MMMM Very Interesting!!!!
  10. I cant seem to remember the danged HAR panel, I searched for a pic but couldn't find it but I did find some pretty nice links while looking. Here's a NATOPS that covers refueling just about every thing they have. http://www.everyspec.com/MIL-HDBK/MIL-HDBK+(0800+-+0999)/download.php?spec=MIL_HDBK_844A.1991.pdf Here is the 129ths welcome book and it has some really really good photos some of you would like. http://www.129rqw.ang.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-090609-023.pdf
  11. OHHHH GK was a nice place:D Lucky dog (other that having to work with gaywacs that is)
  12. Sorry, even though I am a life member I dont really support that organization any more. Too many times they have shoved the knife in our backs while saying they are working for us. I pay the GOA nowadays.:cool:
  13. That was 1832 with the sharks mouth? Damn, you just ruined my morning - poor airplane. All I can say is that conestoga and the funky thing with the vortex generators on the top of the plane are some butt uglybirds I am sooooo glad I flew on the most gorgeous bird ever built and not some turd looking thing:D
  14. Now that you mention it, I think most of the birds had them before I quit but nobody ever asked for em, didn't use em so I kinda forgot:o (I think, damn I have to say that alot anymore)
  15. I am sure someone here knows something, but what your not saying is WHY you need information on his relatives. If you have a valid reason, you might get some answers but you have never stated WHY you need to find this out.:)
  16. Ya wanna feel pain, try crewing hellen keller er AWACS. Not only do you get to pull and replace all the panels, you get to set all the AGE up for the pointy heads - how about pulling a full shift just setting up AGE on your jet:eek: Friggin ACE air cond, you might go through two or three before you get one that the clutch engaged on, same with the LCS (liquid cooling system) cart. Then lets not talk about paralleling four MEP generators together. I was sooooo glad to crosstrain, no pointy head AGE anymore:D
  17. http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/2010/04/30/captured-a-look-back-at-the-vietnam-war-on-the-35th-anniversary-of-the-fall-of-saigon-2/
  18. HAH Not as bad as when I went thru the drive thru at some mex food place there in ALBQ. Got a couple chicken enchilada's and the (most likely) wetback cooking wants to know if I want HOT sauce on em, said nope (I like my food white boy style - very mild) so I took em home and start to eat them and just the enchilada sauce alone send me to the 9th circle of hell:eek: but hey, I paid for em and underneath the napalm like burn I think they're good. I am pretty sure I spent the next week in a protective coma. God oh God, I cant imagine the HOT sauce!!
  19. Wow, do they still use the pod illum light? By the time I had to quit flying I forgot what a overt night (H)AR was.
  20. Must be an academy guy:rolleyes:
  21. Dunno, I just snagged the pic from somewhere on the web. Took me a minute to figure out what was going on. Sams and Fried Chicken, whata meal:D
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