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C-130 Hercules News
Everything posted by BRlang
Bob, there are a couple of threads that out line some levels of success in getting our records to indicate Boots on the Ground. I made my appeal to the Air Force and got the letter that pretty much answers all the VA questions.. I even filled my AO related claim using the same evidence I used for the AF and got the VA to acknowledge my BOG without the airforce letter. My claim was approved without ever using the confirmation letter from USAF. The key is to be very specific about your argument. I used Travel vouchers, APRs and photographs of me in various places some in Saigon at recognizable places. I included a letter from me in plain words about the exact number of combat missions and days TDY from CCK to SGN. Why I was TDY and what I did while there. Tell Dale to contact his VSO and they will help him get his records from STL. I don't know about the flight he mentioned as I was out of the USAF and a month into my job helping start another Aiforce called Federal Express.
I was a loadmaster in the 345th when this happened. The loadmaster on that flight was part of our running mates...Just pulled my flight log. I flew 5.9 combat hours and 5 sorties on 64-0536 on 8 July, 1970....I think Frank was the Loadmaster's name but memory has faded a bit. I can still see his face...
Anouk, thanks for the advice. I will download the VA Form9 and proceed on...
Got denied again...Guess I will just hand the packet to a DAV lawyer and let them go for it and split the back pay if we win
When I got out of the AF in Little Rock they gave me a folder with monthly print outs of every flight. Tail numbers, mission symbols, night and day hours, and combat hours per day. It also listed the number of sorties per mission. This was up to my transfer from CCK to LRAFB. None of my flight time at LRAFB was listed but that really doesn't matter. I Left the 345th in CCK to 2nd Aerial Port. The only missions they gave us was Low Level flights with an airdrop the couple of hours touch and goes. After flying with the best in the world it's hard to take this fresh right seaters on training flights. A GCA approach into Khe San was not as scary as these young dudes..
Thanks, Liecrupt....My strong point was math not reading and comprehending....Maybe that explains why I was loading the aircraft to optimum CG instead of flying it....Weight X Arm = Moment... Thanks again....
I posted this under general info but wanted to get it in front of more folks I recently found a folder that contained my flight logs from most of my flights as a loadmaster. I have figured out a few of the mission symbols but a couple I don't know. 01A is combat mission T3 is training but can some one tell me what A1, A5, A4, 03, and T2 are?? Using my travel vouchers and these flight records I have almost reconstructed my missions as a loadmaster...
Thanks for the hints. I read that section but it didn't detail the flight mission but individual crew duties and such... I am looking for the "reason for the flight" like Combat mission, training, airdrop etc...I will keep reading the section you referenced...
I recently found a folder that contained my flight logs from most of my flights as a loadmaster. I have figured out a few of the mission symbols but a couple I don't know. 01A is combat mission T3 is training but can some one tell me what A1, A5, A4, 03, and T2 are?? Using my travel vouchers and these flight records I have almost reconstructed my missions as a loadmaster...
Happy Birthday... They beat the alternative.....Any day above ground is a good one..
No problem. I found about 10 I scanned backwards. These slides were a treasure of memories. I had forgotten about them but found them a couple of years ago. They are in remarkable condition for being almost 50 years old....I will get this one rescanned..Thanks for pointing this out.
This is an old thread but I wanted to add my experience and resolution I went through last year...I applied at the VA for medical rating and ID card. Also I tried to get on the Agent Orange registry. I got a letter back that said I could not be on the AO registry and I was placed in Priority group 8...Vietnam service puts you automatically into group 6. I called and asked why and they said my DD214 didn't show any RVN service. Well I guess 118 combat missions all over the country was not service. I ordered my records from STL. I found travel vouchers showing CCK departure and arrival in TSN, CRB and DNG.. Also it showed the number of days on the trip. Also included were my APRs written by my A/C stating how many combat missions and TDY days in country spent. I put together a packet along with a Narrative of my missions and requested my 214 be corrected and sent it to the Randolph AFB in Texas. About 6 weeks later I got a letter from the USAF confirming my RVN service. Now I got my AO claim filed and awarded. I was also placed in group 3 for VA help. I have been working with a vet group and found out that we are not alone in having to prove boots on the ground to get recognized as a combat vet. I wanted to wake up this thread as maybe somebody will get an idea of how to get resolution and credit they deserve..
AMPTestFE..I commend your attention to detail. I am positive that slide was at Song Be...I found a box of slides and scanned a bunch into my computer. You take a right off the runway and right onto the ramp. That is #1 and the slide is reversed,,,I will rescan it. The items on the ramp were not as I remembered them...Now they make sense...
Jim, nice pics....They getting a free airplane ride.. Graywolf88...This is the view from the roof of the Merlin to the north end
Gray wolf, you and I were at CCK the same time frame. I remember your name. You guys lost a plane up at TPE. The loadmaster ran with our group...Nice pictures..Thanks for the addition...This is how the day ended up hauling the Cambodian troops....Front left main blew up and into the plane as were were unloading in Ben Hoa
Cambodians combat loaded...Oops, not Cambodians...we weren't there
Gear down and cleared to land Cant remember the name of this fire base but notice how the army put us all the way to the west end of the strip away from the compound
its the camera angle making it look feathered...My A/C always left 4 cuffed if we shut down at a forward strip..
Nothing like a few Crown and Cokes to get the red dirt out of your throat Song Be....if you shut down always leave a prop cuffed....Saved our butts more than once...Ole buddy start..
Anytime, anyplace anywhere Some of these places were kinda lonely..... Ok, the pol guy is here to pump us out...Bladder Birds, not my favorite cargo...
Tomorrow is Veterans Day. How bout posting some photos to bring back some fading memories..Here we are on left base for final on a small dirt strip...I flew with some of the best pilots ever and one bad one Lam San 719 moving them back to the south...Where was the 15th APS...I don't recall
I sent in a packet to the USAF to get my 214 to reflect my service in Vietnam. I included all my travel vouchers that showed trips in country and my APRs that gave the number of combat missions and number of days TDY to TSN. I also included pictures of me in obvious scene that were in Saigon. They sent me a letter back that indicated my "boots on the ground" in Vietnam. They would not amend my 214 but did give me letter to use if I needed to prove my service. I filed my Type2 claim with out the letter and my VA office in Little Rock accepted my evidence and approved my AO Diabetes claim with no No Vietnam on my 214... I was shocked. Somebody actually used their brain and made a decision with out the USAF letter...
As an update, I have sent in a packet of new evidence using the blast as a significant event. I did not file an appeal but requested a new evaluation based on new evidence. My VSO said I should hear something by December...I also sent them my first and last flight physicals showing a large decline in my hearing in only 42 months. Sam, nice reading up on your adventures.. I was in the 345th at CCK from May 70 til August 71.....
Reservists and Agent Orange exposure on C 130
BRlang replied to christmaspeter's topic in VA Benefits
I spent 15 months as a C-130 Loadmaster in Vietnam. Never hauled any AO. Most of the sprayers were C-123s. They flew out of the larger bases. I don't know that we would have hauled any drums of AO. Even in combat were were pretty strict on bumping any containers that leaked or appeared to not be sealed properly. I think the chance of AO residue in one of our C-130s is very low. Good luck. Maybe some one else can chime in that might help you out.