Chris Down Under
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Hi all Got a Q on this 4 engine roll back checklist. Lockheed Safety Supp C-130 No 64 Step 1 is Go to NULL on the TD's.. Step 2 is GO to Mech Gov on the props Step 3 is to Turn Sinc Master Switch to OFF It’s this step that gets me.. Why if you are already in Mech Governing do you need to turn the Sync Sw to Off?? especially when in the preamble it says Synicrophaser induced RPM reductions do not result in significant power loss Going to Mech Governing gets rid off all the Electrons out at the prop as why the sep 3 then??? Enquiring minds would like to know.. Chris
We are looking at the C130H-1-1 graphs and trying to work out strip lenghts and weights as compaired to the new civil -1-1 performance manual. In the Take off field length decision tree in the mil -1 -1 . It gets to a point about is crew Assault Qualified ? So what is Assault Qualified? is it just TAC trained ( Airland / Low Level) as apposed to a Basic Quall? or is it more of a Spec Ops role? Chris PS also has anyone crunched the numbers for the new LM 382-1-1 and seen how restrictive it now is?
With all the Herks operating world wide in the snow and ice, I would have thought Lockheed would have had more in the Flight and Ground handling manuals on how to De-ice a Herk. For people that dont go into snow areas very much there is not a lot of info about from the manufacturer. When you look at others, Boeing, Airbus, ect they each have a lot of info. Chris..
I have been looking into the C-130 Deicing proceedures in the FM and TO' s it took me all of 2 minutes,, I thought there would have been lots of info on how to deice a C130 before take off using type 1 deicing fluid. I couldnt find a CL for the crews, is there one?? I saw a great Aircrew CL for the C17, which got me to thinking , is ther one for a Herc? Chris.
Because of the extra EGT when you use Bleed Air. The Fire wire is very close to the exhaust pipe inside the compartment. when Airborne the air flow going past does not allow exhaust gas to be dispersed as quickly, with the higher EGT of Bleed Air, this extra build up of temp puts the APU fire light on. Many years back when we had to replace all our X wing bleed air pipes due corrosion, one of our FE's also tried to use the APU and just the flt deck pack on. Got airborne and yep the APU light came on with the increse in airspeed.
Hey Duke fender Bender there is a name not mentioned for a long time down here .. OK Marks Accident was whilst he was on exchange. he was the IP but standing and not in the seat. They were demonstrating an engine failure zoom climb. As the airspeed declined Boff said "knock it off" to an Aussie, that means stop what you are doing. Some how that was missidentified as pulling the power off even more and the AC stalled. terminology is so important. Chris
Vic What ammendment status was that in the Lockheed SMP 777? We just got ours and it was not in there, it was the newer higher speeds and I thought it was all going back down. Maybe we are behind the times and "you know the times they are a changing". sorry all, its the flashbacks.. Thanks Chris
to all Are there any units flying C-130's with -15 Engins and the old lower 2 Eng VMCA's of around the 135 kIAS mark instead of the 150's? There was talk a while back about going back down to the old proven speeds but so far I have not seen an ammendment into the Perfom Manual. anyone gone back down? Chris.
Ok so now the offical Airforce investigation results are out I can talk about it. I was the FE on the C130H that snapped the nose strut during a touch and go. and we had a QFI Check Capt in the right seat. It was the second touch and go for the night and as we were powering up past 15,000\"lb, we felt a thud as if we hit a fox or Kangaroo(and no it was not a heavy landing)we were past rotate speed so we took it airborne as it was a short outback strip. An inspection of the Strip later by the police showed we did not hit anything. We left the gear down and I went down to look at the gear through the inspection window. The nose strut was broken off about 6\" from the bottom of the chrome. This is a picture you never want to see. The Nose Gear was left dangling only front sissor link and I could see the inside of casting of the front strut as it was tilted back towards me. The gear was just twisting and turning in the breeze. The hour transit back to home base with the gear down gave us lots of time to work a plan and look at checklists 10,000 feet@160 knots. We dumped the LOX as there may have been damage to that area anyway on touchdown. The most suitable Check List to run was the Nose Gear retracted Main Gear Down one, as this gave you some proceedures and guidance on how to fly the approach and what to expect on touchdown. We had planned, or thought that on touchdown, the sissor link would snap and the nose gear break off and we would go down onto the top part of the strut. If we retracted the gear the broken strut would have caused further damage to the doors and may have jammed later on down selection. Just to add to the event, on descending into home base the no 1 engine oil cooler flap stuck closed in auto and manual, even tried resetting the CB. We kept the engine running as we really wanted to do a 4 engine touchdown with a broken nose strut,than a 3 engine one. Hey the book says between 100 and 150 deg C they just change the oil, that\'s a small work load for MX compaired to screwing up the touchdown. On touchdown God was smiling on us. The mains were on first, the nose slowly holding it at stages,the nose wheels started to spin up and the broken bit of strut rotated FWD into the sissor link. The nose settled some more and the top part of the strut, settled onto the stuck portion of the broken bottom strut. All this on a bulging set of sissor links. We slowly came to a stop, then ground evacuated and yes I did turn the battery off. End result is a very nose down aircraft but doors still off the ground with no major damage. Crew debrief over a few beers. Cause .. it appears that it was a manufacturing defect in the strut and it would have happend to someone some day.. I guess that day was tonight and that someone was us. So next Sim ride, practice that Gear check list, even the unrealistic ones, may one day be real. and dont forget to throw in a curve ball oil cooler flap as well Chris
Hey looking at the tyre presure chart in the -1 it shows (39%) as a limit. Where is it written that it is a deflation limit. The wheels tyres and brakes book, just said for under \"inflated tyres if not towed or taxied just pump them back up.. It does not mention 39% as anything?? even the -1 now does not have what 39% even is??? Chris..
ours does tell you to turn it off, so if you have the Anti skid turned off, my understanding of the elec and hyd circuts are that you should still have normal brake pressure? so why not use it.
It is when the Co Pilot forgets to turn it off. It happend to one of our J\'s in the early days. They kept geting a fuel out of balance warning for 5 hours. After landing they discovered the problem. That was early days of J.. Chris.
Well if you went to LSGI and just had the APU or GTC running, then you would loose all TRU\'s if you had the ESST AC Buss isolated or lost and be on the Battery to prvide power for DC via the Touch Down System (not good). So if you left 1 engine up and 1 gen on line you would get Main AC Buss power and then all the DC busses powered via the 2 Main TRU\'s, so you would still have normal brakes available... So back to the original Flight Manual #3 statement of No normal brakes when on the ground for loss of ESS AC. Why??? Chris
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Hi all. In our dash 1 under \"Loss of Ess AC Power\" there is a statement about what systems we will loose. One of them is Normal Brakes ( on the Ground). For the life of me I cannot understand what they mean? with the engines at NGI on the ground we would still have the Main AC Tru\'s working to give us Main DC power and Esst DC for the brakes. All the circuts are DC, for the brakes. Only AC in the Normal Brake system is the 26 volts of Antiskid so if thats a player why not turn it off. So who would it say we will not have normal Brakes when on the ground?? Chris.