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Everything posted by airnav

  1. A Very Happy Birthday To You All, I owe many round\'s to you, as you have alway\'s treated us to many;) ! Kurt
  2. General \"Norty\" was a pilot on Operation Eagle Claw.
  3. As that neanderthal \"Loren Cooper\" used to say, \"You the man!\" Kurt:woohoo:
  4. IT SURE IS HERK RELATED! I remember when being a Tac Airlifter was something! I can see the comparison here. On another note, I sure remember the pre-AFSOC year\'s as well. I concur with our friend Skip, when he has stated numerous times; \"I was in spec op\'s, when spec op\'s was not \'cool\'.\" In the past, we had an \"aura\". We were looked down upon by some, and that was part of our trademark. Oh the golden year\'s! :laugh: We would take AFR 35-10 and see how far we could get away with the violations...... Kurt
  5. Hey R.C., Post the crew pic where you are wearing the \"off duty\" Party Suit. It\'s the one with you decked out in the plaid trouser\'s!:laugh: Kurt
  6. Hiya\' Skip, What did the 7th. nav\'s have printed on the pencil\'s that they used to hand out? Kurt
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