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Where Is Everyone???


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sonny, I am still here, but I don't check in as much as I should.  I will try to get here more often and at least try to contribute more.

I recently attended the Veterans Day celebration at the  Ben Steele Jr. High In Billings !   Two of my grandchildren attend that school and my daughter is also a teacher there. My oldest grandson graduated from that schools first graduation four years ago.  It is a. very nice Jr High built in honor of of BenSteel who was one of the survivors from the POW camp in the Philippines. He is famous for his drawings of the camp while there 1000+ days.  The school has a lot of his memoirs on display.  Of I remember, I will take some pics of it  when I can get my daughter to show me around again.  One very interesting thing was is widow ---99 yrs old gave a speech about the old the days after he got back home.

I don't live in Billings, but haven't missed a Veterans Day in Billings since my kids were in grade school.  

When they call about the veterans military branch I have noticed most of the Vietnam veterans I remember aren't there anymore.  

Kinda sad.!!

Anyway, I hope you and all of the veterans here had a good day and I will see you next year.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Like Mt.CrewChief, I check in periodically.  I did grow up in Billings and went to Will James Jr. High and Billings West.  Haven't been back there since 1994 when parents left for their eastern tour in Minnesota.  50 year graduation event was in September.  Time flies like my first 11 AF years at Pope AFB with almost 1/2 of that time spent TDY at a variety of world wide locations.  A great time and place for the 70s and 80s.  Stay healthy and safe

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