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Everything posted by Anderson00791

  1. Like Mt.CrewChief, I check in periodically. I did grow up in Billings and went to Will James Jr. High and Billings West. Haven't been back there since 1994 when parents left for their eastern tour in Minnesota. 50 year graduation event was in September. Time flies like my first 11 AF years at Pope AFB with almost 1/2 of that time spent TDY at a variety of world wide locations. A great time and place for the 70s and 80s. Stay healthy and safe
  2. Thanks to all who viewed this Topic to date I can remember an additional 3 names of people who I served with -- Joseph Bible, Robert Jenkins, and Lynn Sperry I have had two VA Examinations and have a third one scheduled I know I am at the beginning of the Disability Claims Process and will post any results when they arrive Stay healthy and safe, out for now
  3. Ron, Thanks and as you suggest I am attempting to gather as much documentation as I can to support my claims I find it hard to remember full names from 30 to 40 years ago and I realize many of my co-workers will likely have the same memory issue I do remember three additional names -- Doug Wickstrom, James Waldrop, and James Carpenter I have asked for my personnel file and there may be some additional names in there I can add to this posting Stay healthy and safe, out for now
  4. I can remember the APN 59 Radar System (I think the photo is theRT 289) , the ARN 6 ADF System , the VOR system , and the APN 70 LORAN System off the top of my head. Can’t recall if the ARN 21 Tacan System was tube based. I believe most of the Autopilot , Doppler , and Radio Systems were tube based until they were upgraded to solid state or digital components
  5. I am preparing a Disability Claim to submit to the VA and came across this Site. After reading almost all of the posts I am hoping this may be a way to locate others who served with me at Pope Air Force Base between 1975 and 1986. I remember several names but have not been able to locate anyone yet. I arrived at Pope in the summer of 1975 as an AIC and left in March 1986 as a TSGT. My name is Steve (Andy) Anderson. I was part of the maintenance team that left the C-130s at Rheinmein AB in 1977. I participated in 13 back-to-back rotations to Mildenhall England along with numerous other temporary duty assignments. I also participated in Operation Urgent Fury known as the Grenada Invasion I am hoping to locate one or more persons who will send me "Buddy Letter" attesting to the physical nature of working on the C-130 on the flightline and in the shop; or, better yet someone who has first hand knowledge of the fact I made flight line repairs alone on many occasions; or, both to submit with my claim Some of the names I can recall are (spelling may not be correct): Richard Marhol, Stan Pruell, Roy F. Shambaugh, Clarence Darlymple, C.W. Harris, Earl (Butch) Finney, Mary Wade, Judy Cowling, Michael McNamee, Thomas P. Tatlow, Ricky D. Nixon, Ricky Phipps, Quin Marston, Michael Lathrop, Donald Spohn, Paul E. Benard, Frank Rivera, Walter Pollard, George Eder, Thanks in advance for any help and Thanks to those who created and participated in this Site to date
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