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That is awesome, but no surprise. I took 1306 to the desert twice, and both times it had the highest FMC rate of all C-130s there at K2 and Manas.

Heres a pic of 1306 at K2 with a few other birds. The one down the line is from St. Joe.

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Yes it's good now , but is sure gave our maintainers fits for a while at CRW. You don't remember the brake problems we had do you.

In whole it shows what good dedicated maint can do, and that the acft , tho 20 years old can preform as new. ( it was made in 1989, a fiscal year 88 acft)


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As an FE in the 73 SOS flying this and all the other MC-130W's daily, the thanks needs to go to the 73 Aircraft Maintenance Unit. They are the ones doing all the hard work so we can take them out and treat them like our bitches, oops, I mean ladies of the night. Just had her out on a MLAT and she was the one that made every flight...good job girl.

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I was pretty disappointed to hear she (at the time) wasn't going to be a slick anymore. I went with a CRW crew to Manas back in the day and she ran like a champ. That is until #4 crapped out on takeoff from Salerno. We brought an MRT team, engine and new brake in to fix her.

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