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Ichemic Heart Disease


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I have the same problem I was tdy to Clark AFB in February 1968 for 2.5 months. 8 C-130's from pope and 8 from Dias an "EST" team from Pope and the one I was on from Langley. I flew incoutry on sereral occations to drop off supplies and bring troops out. One of the loads we took on several trips was barrels of AO. I submitted to the VA for Ischemic Heart Disease. because I had a heart attack in 1983, triple bypass in 1994 and three stints in 2008. I just receaved a reading from the VA saying that they have no record of me being in country and was denied my claim. So I am trying to establish some proof also.

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Well it seems as though the VA has many of us over a barrel with the "prove boots on the ground" hoop. I was TDY to Tan Son Nhut for 40 days in 1972. My DD214 lists SEA service and Vietnam Service Medal. Not good enough. I wrote to the National Archives for copies of travel vouchers and was told they dont keep those records. I got a call from the finance section and was told travel vouchers are saved for 6 months then destroyed. I submitted a narrative of my time in Viet Nam and a copy of a small arms card which was issued when I got to TSN authorizing access to an M-16. No Luck

I just got my claim settled. They gave me 10% for hearing loss (C130 engine noise) but denied my Type II diabetes and heart disease because I didn't prove Boots on the Ground.

I really dont care much about the compensation. But it pisses me off that the Government can blow off my service and deny I was even there especially when I volunteered to go in-country when so many others were protesting and avoiding service

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they probly did tell you that travel vouchers are not avable , they told me that to however low and behold two of my travel vouchers for nam showed up 40 years later. they deniged my clame the first time to for the same reason ,but you have to keep trying there is a list of ware records are kept . I sent requests to them all for for two years it finaly paid off Im 40% for type 2 and still trying to get the 10 % for my hearing loss. The trick seems to be persistant and not give up. when they say there to help there kidding. Hang in there

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sparks, I put in a form SF180, I think it is, requestin' travel vouchers from specific dates and i got them in about three weeks. My DD214 only shows total overseas time, not where i was, hell if it did it would three feet long, and the VSM. I know some people try to get the records just by writing, calling, whatever, but unless you file that SF180, it may not happen at all. I even filed one on behalf of my brother-in-law who died about six years ago to get a copy of his 214 for his widow. I just got another letter from the Maryland Veterans Admin, tellin' they are still working on my claim, but they have SOOOOOOO much work to accomplish. The State sure as hell ain't got delay in handin' out money to welfare sucks, accomodatin' illegals, and pissin' money into the Chesapeake Bay. But by damn, I am gonna outlive them, no matter what. AND any compensation you finally get is retro-active to your filing date. So they already owe me for about six months.............. One of my brothers in the Vietnam Veterans of America chapter 172, had his fumbled around with for nearly a year and he got a real nice check for nearly six grand......... Don't give up, brother, you earned this, even though, you had no idea what was goin' on at the time. Good luck


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Thanks to all for the encouragement. It's time to put my combat boots back on and fight for vindication. I am not now nor have I ever considered myself a hero. However, I have spent a lifetime of service to this country and state of Florida and like so many others, that committment all too often gets glossed over and forgotten.

Well, the last thing Iwant to do is sound like a whiner. Nobody owes me anything.

On another note: Just read an Obit in todays paper. Col. Jack Allison U.S.A.F Ret passed away November 2, 2011. Jack was a Jolly Green Helicopter Pilot during the Son Tay Raid, for which he received the Air Force Cross. God Speed to an American Hero!

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Two points of contention, sparks, you say you ain't a hero, well that, plain and simple, is bullshit. A hero is someone who steps forward when everyone else is steppin' back. That you did, in a long and honorable manner. THAT in my book makes you a hero. Two. "Nobody owes you anything?""" Yeah, owe ain't the word, you earned it, you didn't get it handed out!!!!!!!! I hate the word 'entitlement" because how can some damn cigarette and drug usckin' tattoo laden bastard factory, who never turned a hand in their life be entitled to anything???? And get it without almost any effort????

No, Sparks, you are like the majority of us on this board, we did the job, as good as any, and in many cases better than most. Because of us, and people like us, our nation for a long time was safe, secure and prosperous. Now, it is run by people who, far as i am concerned, ain't qualified to stand in our shadow, and the safety, security, and prosperity is in real jeopardy. But ya know what, I STILL think there are people out there, many of them still very young, who are gonna say "Look what them old guys did ( meanin' us), we can do it again."

You can bet that Col. Allison will very unlikely get much notice, not with the Karadashian cow stuff, Conrad Murray, and Lindsey Lohan, SOOOOO important. But we know and appreciate him, no matter what.

So there, my friend, is my rant of the day. DO not ever again post you are not a hero or not owed anything. If you do, i will personally seek you out, and bore you to death with my war stories, while eatin' everything in your refrigerator....

Well done, brother, ood luck


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Way to go Giz I knew you were due for another trip to the soap box!!! And you did good as usual!!!

I personally get kind of down as Veteran's Day approaches. I have never had it off and it pisses me off that most people now days don't even know what it is about other than another Federal Holiday. I have a lot more to say about all of this stuff but when you mentioned Sparks refrigerator, I got hungry!!

Keep up the ranting,


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Okay guys, I have a couple of related questions. First of all, I have always assumed that the VSM medal meant Viet Nam Service Medal!!! Now, how could that not mean "boots on the ground"? Now I am worried that I may have to prove my boots on the ground in the future. I am currently signed up for the VA health care and have had nothing but a lot of appointments etc. I have had all of the blood work, etc. and because I am from a family of heart related problems, I have had an EKG, and a EKG Stress(treadmill) test. I thought I did great until the doctor told me I need to now do a Stress Echo Cardiogram. I have to have it done at a local hospital. From what I can figure out, if I have any negative type results, it could point to the Ischemic Heart disease we have been discussing.If so, I suppose I will then have to make a claim. Right??? So, back to the "boots on the ground" thing and the VSM not counting. In my "users gallery" pics I have a letter of appreciation that says I was there. Will that be enough? I also have proof of a hearing loss at Naha, and definitely have tinnitus (don't we all)?

Maybe I am jumping the gun, but should I be getting worried/upset, or should I continue to plug away and wait until I complete all of my VA scheduled tests?

It seems that the people at the clinic don't ever want to talk about claims at all---not the right place I guess!

Thanks for listening,


Muff, if I came to you at the VA Clinic where you work/volunteer, what would you tell me? (other than --":pull your head out" ????

By, the way, where did that emoticon come from????

Edited by Mt.crewchief
another question-- fixing screw ups--emoticon??
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Giz n Ken, I just stocked the fridge. Thanks for the reality check. You guys are welcome at my house anytine. Ken, I was told that even though my DD 214 lists 40 days SEA (south east asia) service AND the Viet Nam Service Medal that this is not proof of boots on the ground because they gave the same credit to the Navy types who were in the theater and never got off the ship. Hang on to that Letter of Appreciation though cause it may hold some weight. Good Luck and dont give up (like Giz keeps reminding me)


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You need to start proving boots on the groung now not when your sick it makes a difference in how appointments are set up. example 50%or more disabled from service-connected will get their appointments scheduled wiyhin 30 days of the desired dates according to VA hand book.

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Things can come home to roost. First though, the VSM does not necessarily mean "boots on the ground." Bomber crews that never put a wheel or a foot in the place qualify for example. Now for the kick in the ass, I got a phone call today from my primary care doc about a high res CAT scan I had last month, that was supposed to find out about a cough I got. anyway, it shows Coronary Artery Disease..never had that show up on anything before. NOW I got a whole new thing to deal with. Luckily I don't have any symptoms, YET, but sounds like another shoe has hit the floor. Now, for sure, EVERYBODY has some degree of CAD, so i guess I gotta l look into how much it is ............Like Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say " If it's not one thing, its another." But I still think I am so much more fortunate than many others, I ain't gotta bitch . Reckon if I knew I was gonna live this long, I woulda taken better care of myself.

The saga continues



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While I was in SEA, I was given 1 copy of orders to carry with me and I folded it and kept it in my back pocket.

I had to turn it in with my prediem when I got back to where I was stationed.

How I got to hold onto this one copy is beyond me. It was never folded and was in my blue portfolio and looking at each indivigal

piece of paper I did come across this one copy. For once luck was on my side.

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Donwan...Sometimes lady luck is all you need. Im glad you came across that lone piece of paper.

Giz, Most times its what you dont know that will kill you. Now that you know you have Coronary Artery Disease, you and your Doc can come to an effective treatment plan to deal with the problem head on. Good luck. You are in my thoughts


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Thanks, Keith...Just one more bump in the road. I reckon somethin' is gonna get me sooner or later.........Since I don't smoke, exercise SOMEWHAT regularly and all that, I can do well with this. Definitely proves my rant about gettin' checked regularly, don't it??? Heck, I may still get down there to raid your 'fridge................


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The door is open. Actually it isnt cause after working in a max security prison in the Florida Dept of Corrections for 16 years I know that anyone anwhere at anytime might fall victim to one of these scumbags. But if you knock and I see some guy who looks like you wearin Fire gear and is able to talk C-130, I'll welcome you in with open arms.

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Thanks for the info xzoomie

As for you Giz. I'll just open the damn door so you don't tear the house down !

I sent off another request to the NPRC for travel vouchers. This is the electronic version of the SF180. We'll see. In the meantime, Im going to see the Veterans Service Officer at the local Am Vets to start the appeal process.

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Here is some info on coronary artery desease aka in VA terms as Ichemic Heart Desease.


xzoomie, thanks for pointing that site out! I will dig into it further and maybe learn something. I have an appointment the 21st. for a stress echo cardiogram that according to the VA doctor's comments "probable CAD" is listed. I guess I will know a lot more about it and if it is related to ischemic heart disease. Of course, rather than have a claim, I would rather come out of there with a clean bill of health. I feel great, have no symptoms, get lots of exercise, etc. etc.


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Aw, come on Sparks, there ain't nothin' as satisfyin' as watchin' a door splinter after a couple well placed applications of a halliigan bar, well, maybe a LAPES drop or a night time heavy equipment dop with sparks flyin' off the anchor lines and the rails and rollers....... Ken, I think I am goin' down that road, too. Keep in mind that Ischemic heart means there is some dead cardiac muscle, don't necessarily have that with CAD, but it can be a precursor. I'd rather be clean, too.........here's hopin'. The pisser of some of this stuff is that, by virtue of bein' married to a nurse who has worked in all kinds of areas, and havin' worked, in my younger days, as a paramedic( THAT I do not admit to readily), you know more about some of this stuff than you really want to. Right now, I am still dealin' with my regular docs.....I suspect, and some of you guys who have already been down that road can help me out here, I will have to modify my claim status if anything bad comes up. Plus, I will probably end up in a workers' comp battle with the state because,just like AO, my firefighting career is considered presumptive toheart disease, too, even if i am retired.........BUT I would still MUCH rather have a healthy ticker..


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Giz, and all of you guys that have taken an interest in some of my/our medical questions etc.

I just finished my Stress Echo cardiogram today and I am happy!! Relieved as much as happy!!

The doctor said she could see nothing wrong with my heart at all and on the electrocardiogram nothing at all showed up until I went way past the target number of 132. At 150 she could see a little discrepancy but could not find anything on the heart ultra sound. If I wouldn't have told her that I went up to 155 at the VA Clinic on my first stress test, she wouldn't have seen anything!! She did recommend that I schedule another check up in a year or so just to make myself feel better!!

So, I can quit worrying and now spend a little time trying to figure the VA system out!!

Giz, I know you have an appointment Tuesday/tomorrow, and I really hope you get good news as I did!! I am rooting for you and I am sure the rest of the guys here are also!!!

Take care Giz,


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That sounds really good, ken, betcha that's a re;ief to ya...yep, goin' tomorrow, had an appointment with a lung doc today, says all that stuff looks real good, 'specially for an ancient old firefighter and that he thinks the coughin' is from a sinus condition I have drug around for years, so gonna try some stuff for that. Should be okay...That was good to hear because my dad died of emphysema and it wasn't a pretty sight, believe me. Sure glad smokin' wasn't a part of my life.... now if the ticker goes okay, I may head own and raid sparks 'frig!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the thoughts


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Just got home a bit ago, and am DAMN glad to announce my doc says 'Yeah CAD showed up on the Cat scan. Nothin' I didn't know about before. you are good to go. your heart is in real good shape, with no significant changes, blood pressure good, EKG good, keep up what ever you are doin."YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only thing,he changed a med for cholesterol to a better one which had not been prescribed a lot, especially around here, because it was so damn expensive. It now goes generic next month at about 1/10 the cost. AND the CAT I had on my head for the cough showed some chronic sinus stuff that probably will respond well to a nasal spray. So I am one lucky SOB to have done the things i have in my life and still be in relatively good health. I can't say that enough. When i think of folks like Dan, that makes me all the more grateful. Dan, i sure as hell hope that, real soon, you get a good report, too. Thanks for the support, guys. I'm here for any of you


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Good deal Giz, I knew your ticker would be okay!!! Now when are you heading to Florida to raid Spark's refrigerator??

I would go with you but it seems a little too far from Montana to raid a fridge! But maybe if I stayed there until Spring!!!!!!


Dan, I am also looking for good news from you!

Want me to pick you up on my way to Spark's refrigerator?

That damn Giz will probably beat us to it!!!!

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