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Navy guy trying to learn the Air Force way of life... What in the world is a Level 7?


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OK as you know, by real world experience is the P-3 Orion, and work Final Assembly on the "J" model at LM... So I'm Navy, and my grasp of the Air Force way of doing things is a tad off. LOL Any way

In this THREAD the question of missing camlocs is the topic. Several references were to a LEVEL 7 making the call.

What in the world is a Level 7??? My guess it would be the same as a QAR in the Navy. Can someone explain the types of inspectors the Air Force has???

In the Navy there are 3 different types of inspectors, they are as follows:

CDI (Collateral Duty Inspector) Normal E-5 / E-6 (and a few shit hot E-4's) These guys/gals worked in the shop, turned wrenches like every one else but did routine type, non Safe For Flight inspections.)

CDQAR(Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Rep) E-5 / E-6(normally the shift supervisor). These guys were just like CDI's but had the authority to sign Safe For Flight Inspections. These by the book are temporary billets. IE Your running 3 shifts you only have 2 QAR's(more on this later) so the shift without the QAR would have the CDQAR, or if you have one shift and the QAR for your shop went on leave, someone in the shop would be designated a CDQAR until the QAR returned.

QAR (Quality Assurance Rep) These were E-6(Sometimes a shit hot E-5) that worked in QA, with the normal job of perfoming audits, monitoring maintenance programs, ensuring all maintenance was being done by the book, etc, with the obviously authority to sign Safe For Flight Inspections.

Here normally if you were an Airframer, you would be an Airframes QAR, a Mech would be a Mech QAR. Some commands had a few "All Systems" QAR's These folks were qualified to sign Safe For Flight Inspections for any shop.

Also note with all inspectors listed above, it should be common sense, but will toss it out there, you were not permitted to Inspect your own work.

In my last two commands I was qualified as an "All Systems" QAR as well as being qual'ed as a "Safe For Flight" (I could release aircraft safe for flight) Should go without being said, say if I inspected aircraft "A" replacement of an Aileron, I would not be releasing the Aircraft Safe For Flight on its FCF. Just a little info on the Navy way.


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From my long lost memory archives, a 1 level was a boot, 3 level an apprentice, 5 level a journeyman, 7 level an "inspector" (needed to sign off Red X items - flight safety items), 9 level a superintendent. Each career field (shop) had their own people, i.e., engines sign off engines, etc.

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A 3 level is a jeep, fresh out of tech school. Doesn't know squat. He or she will carry the tool box and books, while they try to figure out the mess they got themselves in to. They will train quite a while, study their books, and finally get their 5 level, once the supervisor thinks they are ready.

A 5 level thinks that they know everything, and some do. They can sign off diagonals in the forms. Years ago, it was possible to be a 5 level and still be on the red X list. That would be a shit hot troop that knew their $hit, like me.

A 7 level can sign off red Xs, stilll think they know everything, but start to forget it when they get shoved into major supervisor roles, since they rarely see an airplane. There is a 7 level school now, I guess.

When all else fails, the go see their AFETS, like your NATEC reps.

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Thanks for all the info again.

A diagonal represents a discrepancy ( crab) in navy speak

Never heard of a "Crab", we called 'em "gripes" or "MAFs" (pronounce as an Acronym) not M-A-F) Then it was either Up or Down

Then here at LM discrepancies are called Squawks.

Terminology is crazy... Hell You can go from the east coast to the west coast in the Navy or say P-3's to F/A-18's and some of the terms change meanings..

We did refer to civilians working on base as "Sandcrabs" but you could call me that as well. My car(Infiniti) has more time on a boat than me :)

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