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  • core_pfield_12

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  1. I was sent the following pictures through FB with the following caption: U.S. Soldiers with the 731st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, attached to Task Force Vanguard, place explosives on the wings of an unserviceable C-130 Hercules aircraft in order to remove the wings and move the aircraft off the airfield at Forward Operating Base Shank, Logar province, Afghanistan, July 9, 2013. [u.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Elvis Umanzor] I was wondering if anybody knew what happen? Said way to end an aircraft's time.
  2. I did find this.... http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/LOCKHEED-HERCULES/1957-LOCKHEED-HERCULES/1237833.htm? But 11,815 airframe hours. This seems a little low to me for an aircraft over 50 years old. Like you where saying the time line is very confusing. I did find out though it was delivered on the 5th Jan 1959 to the RAAF callsign VM-JLK registion N2268A was not taken with A97-212 used thoughout its life with the RAAF.
  3. G'day Everyone, I am trying to find out if a particular C-130A is still flying. It started life with the RAAF as S/N A97-212 and is now I am told operating with the Serial Number N131EC. I have been able to track it to around 2006 where I found a photo of it being operated by Cherry Air Aviation Services but the trail runs cold from there. I have looked up the data base here but it is pretty blank but it did give me a LPN 3212. (http://www.c-130hercules.net/acftdb/LPNs/LPN.php?lpn=3212&x=0&y=0) Any help would be great as I would love to know if the old girl is still flying or not these days. Thanks in advance.
  4. G'day Everyone, I was wondering if anyone has heard anymore. I have searched the internet but can not find anything. I have meet a number of the Norwegian Herc guys (mainly the maintainers) and am really hoping for a miracle. AJ
  5. Looked through everything we have both engine manual (which tells me nothing other then inspection required), Structural repair manual has nothing and engine Field Maintenance manual just tells me to check the mag plugs in the RGB which just doesn't seem enough. I was thinking things like at least lord mount, Nacelle inspection and maybe trust mounts for a start. I might have to try and dig up the NAVAIR and USAF publications.
  6. G'day Everyone, I have been looking at engine over torque inspection (for T56-A-15) but all our publications have very little information. What I do have is 19,600 inlbs is max 23,260 inbls and above an over torque inspection is required. The only problem is well no where can I find anything writen as to what the inspection is. Any one have any references / ideas as to what the inspection is meant to be. Thanks in advance.
  7. Oh cool thanks for that. Thank you to the other replys as well. Its great to be able to find so much information.
  8. G'day, Thank you for the responce. Its just what I was looking for. Sorry to ask another question but FM 382C-14E? FM= Flight Manual 382C=Aircraft model 14E=?
  9. G'day, Was just trying to work out the rudder diverter valve a little. I know it is solenoid operated. But in what position is it when power is taken away from it? (Full pressure or the lower 1275) and what position would it fail in? If its full pressure is there any thing the crew would need to keep in mind while flying with full rudder pressure? Thanks for the help in advance.
  10. From there try operating in Null see if it goes away.... If still there try going to Mechanical on the propeller control panel. That should give you an idea if you should be looking into the FCU / TD system or at the Propeller / Propeller Valve. Or pitch locking the propeller could help as well. AJ
  11. G'day Guys, Really not to sure of the approval process, really the boy's just started doing it with chinograph (not paninted). This means they tend to change from time to time. I have attached some pictures of some of the nose art on the aircraft. Also here is a link from YouTube. AJ
  12. Not to sure if this helps or not but also an action that can be taken is condition lever to AirStart. If light stays on condition indicates low oil or indication failure. If light goes out condition indicates a posable main pump failure in the Pump housing. AJ Note: Techo's prospective as for shutting down I guess what ever is in the section 3 of the flight manual is the way to go.
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