Aviation Discussion (non-c130)
76 topics in this forum
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I'm helping my husband file a VA claim for exposure to Agent Orange in Thailand. He was an aircraft mechanic for the 54th. Weather Recon Squardon at Anderson AFB, 1969-70 with occasional TDY to Udorn, Thailand. He needs to prove that his daily routine of numerous cigarette breaks took him from the flight line, as you could not smoke near the AC, to the perimeter fence. If you were there in Thailand and remember something similar, we'd like to hear from you. ThanQ
Last reply by Curious George, -
- 1 reply
Every airplane I've ever been on, as a passenger or crew member had the slides on the inside of the doors. An evacuation slide fell off a plane and landed in man's yard | CNN Travel
Last reply by DC10FE, -
I don't remember where I saw this, but it's interesting. Displayed at the USAF Museum. Check out the rank of the first FE.
Last reply by c130fe, -
Did anyone else watch the pilot episode of "Manifest?" I don't now if they had a technical adviser or not; probably not. The first 737 scene in flight is a -300 series or higher because of the flattened lower engine nacelles. In subsequent scenes on the ground, it's an older model. Then in the inflight cockpit scene, it shows a 3-engined airplane instrument panel. I don't think it was a 727 -- didn't notice any fire handles. And finally when ATC asks the captain how many passengers he has on board, he replies, "191." Puleeze, give me a break. The normal passenger configuration for a 737 is around 130, more or less, unless it's a stretches model. Interesting show…
Last reply by 0495, -
- 4 replies
See p.22 thru 27 Nov-Dec-12Lowres.pdf
Last reply by Metalbasher, -
- 12 replies
Read in the Dayton Daily News today the AF is considering using enlisted troops to pilot drones. As I posted here a couple of years ago a 25 year old SSgt who has been playing video games forever would make a great drone pilot. Cheap too.
Last reply by MHeflin, -
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In the May issue of the Air Force Association magazine in the AF Senior staff changes it reads...Brig. Gen Paul W. Tibbets IV, from Dep. Dir. of Nuclear Ops. STRATCOM, Offutt AFB Nb. to; Commander, 509th BW, AFGSC, Whiteman AFB, Mo....how sweet is that? Anybody out there get it?????? Bill
Last reply by DC10FE, -
- 3 replies
An Airbus (AIR.PA) A400M military transport plane crashed in a field in Seville on Saturday, killing four of the six on board, a government official said, in the first accident involving Europe's newest troop and heavy cargo carrier. The plane was on a test flight when it crashed one mile (1.6 km) north of Seville's San Pablo airport, emergency services said. Six people were on board; four died on impact and two others were seriously injured, a government spokeswoman said. The plane crashed into an electricity pylon while attempting an emergency landing and caused a power cut in a nearby neighborhood, El Mundo newspaper said, citing an eyewitness. An Airbus (AIR.PA) sp…
Last reply by casey, -
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This has been around for quite some time, but it;s still fun to read -- and sadly it's 100% true. Don R. The Age of the 707 (Go to the overrun and suck the gear up) Those were the good ole days. Pilots back then were men that didn't want to be women or girly men. Pilots all knew who Jimmy Doolittle was. Pilots drank coffee, whiskey, smoked cigars and didn't wear digital watches. They carried their own suitcases and brain bags, like the real men they were. Pilots didn't bend over into the crash position multiple times each day in front of the passengers at security so that some Gov't agent could probe for tweezers or fingernail clippers or too much toothpaste. Pilo…
Last reply by DC10FE, -
- 1 reply
For all you old round engine guys. Don R.
Last reply by GVS, -
A very rare photo of the FE panel on the prototype DC-8. Don R.
Last reply by tusker, -
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Little sight seeing the other night over DFW...
Last reply by NATOPS1, -
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Figured us Herc guys would be interested in how the counterrotating props appeared.
Last reply by jbob, -
- 12 replies
That's right folks ,16 of the 20 C-27A's that were bought for $486 million dollars by the U.S. for the Afghan Air Force, were sold for scrap for $32,000 or 6 cents per pound. That is $2000 per airplane!!!! Afghan air force said they did not meet operational requirements so they sold them for scrap to an Afghan construction company, says an article in this months Air Force magazine. Well dang, I would like to have had one for a weather vane in my front yard at 6 cents a pound. The only reason they didn't sell all 20 is because 4 are at Ramstein. The U.S. Air Force secretary is hopping mad and wants to know "WHO DUNNIT". Didn't we send them some C-130's too. Wonder what the…
Last reply by Railrunner130, -
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China's finally trying a C-130 copy. It looks like a mash-up of an A400, C-141, and C-130. They are targeting a 30 ton payload which, to me, suggests a size closer to the A400.
Last reply by mark18mwm, -
- 36 replies
As a Nav-Aids weenie I got to see a variety of airframes during my career. Besides the Herks at Pope (and TDY HCs at Kef) here is what and where: KC and EC-135s Grissom KCs Fairford and Castle B-52G and H Castle C-131/T-29, O-2 Pope F-4C, F-4E & T-33 Keflavik HH-3s (TDY) Keflavik RF-4C Bergstrom and Zweibrucken T-39 Bergstrom
Last reply by joewanafly, -
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Last reply by larry myers, -
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I call it the baby C-130, but its the Casa C-212. I've seen it used for short runway take offs, small team transport, and logistics support in operator situations. I wrote an article about it here -> Casa C-212 Figured it could be a change for everyone to read about. Enjoy!
Last reply by basegroup, -
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A friend sent me this. I have it on a cassette tape, but this video has some great shots of Cam Ranh Bay. Very funny. I also have an interview with a College Eye pilot talking about his Connie. Caution: contains profanity. Click here: ? Cam Ranh Bay: What the Captain Means - YouTube Don R.
Last reply by DC10FE, -
It was in the paper yesterday that Robins A.F.B. wouldn't be havening a Air Show in 2011.
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I copied this from the latest Amrtican Legion Magazine. Interesting to note that there are no C-130's or C-17's of the 9 aircraft listed, yet the 1960's era B-52 is on the list. Don R.
Last reply by Spectre623, -
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Read where the 213th and last C-17A has been delivered to the USAF. Boeing has about 20 remaining aircraft to be built for other customers. Anyone remember how many 141s where in service at max count?
Last reply by Railrunner130, -
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T'was the night before Christmas and out on the ramp, Not an airplane was stirring, not even a Champ. The aircraft were fastened to tie downs with care, In hopes that -- come morning -- they all would be there. The fuel trucks were nestled, all snug in their spots, With gusts from two-forty at 39 knots. I slumped at the fuel desk, now finally caught up, And settled down comfortably, resting my butt. When the radio lit up with noise and with chatter, I turned up the scanner to see what was the matter. A voice clearly heard over static and snow, Called for clearance to land at the airport below. He barked his transmission so lively and quick, I'd have…
Last reply by DC10FE, -
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Last reply by rw605, -
by larry myers- 1 reply
Read in the local rag this morning the US Coast Guard is in the process of acquiring 14 ex USAF C-27Js. I believe someone posted earlier they thought this might be happening.
Last reply by Railrunner130,