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Muff Millen

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After a decade of all of these Total Quality, Quality Awareness, Sigma Six, Lean Logistics, yada, yada, yada programs, training, comittees, seminars mother Air Force has this incessant need to rename everything. Supply is Logistics Readiness, Security Police is Force Protection, Personnel is Mission Support and on and on. Units are no longer identified in simple, clear terms. I guess the goal is name units in a way that the terrorists can't figure out what is really what.

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Or it can be the way's that commmander's show how they have the power to change thing's.......instead of "leaving well enough alone." Hmmmm. Maybe nearing the end of a fiscal year it is a way to spend all of the remaining money in order to get a new and increased budget.


BTW====> C-130 squadron's should still be Tactical Airlift Squadron's in my opinion!

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Yep, McFudgepacker screwed up just about anything that he touched.

Supply is Logistics Readiness, Security Police is Force Protection, Personnel is Mission Support and on and on

Yep, to me a chow hall is still a chow hall or mess hall. I've actually had arguments with those folks demanding I call it a "dining facility"!!

Yep its a chow hall.


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You must mean Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service under MAC at one time. Since then (correct me if I'm wrong) they got picked up by (or kicked over to) TAC then ACC then Spec Ops then back to ACC or whateever. I guess its just a shadow of its former self. Don't know what that implies...maybe since nobody much is getting shot down these days it must not be so dangerous like back in the day when the 105s were going downtown to hanoi, or earlier in Korea and WWII.

Seems like we'd lose as many 105s in a day as fighters have been lost since this whole AOR deal cranked up 20 years ago.

Probably these days the Army or Marines or Navy'd have the guy picked up already by time rescue got alerted, cranked and over there...just one man's ramblin' opinion.

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After a decade of all of these Total Quality, Quality Awareness, Sigma Six, Lean Logistics, yada, yada, yada programs, training, comittees, seminars mother Air Force has this incessant need to rename everything. Supply is Logistics Readiness, Security Police is Force Protection, Personnel is Mission Support and on and on. Units are no longer identified in simple, clear terms. I guess the goal is name units in a way that the terrorists can't figure out what is really what.

Or us?

Oh how the days of MAC,TAC,SAC, AFR 35-10, gray and green C-130's, and the 55-130 were appreciated!

MacPuke, that's a good one.

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Yeah the name changes are really confusing......I remember calling a base and asking for CBPO Customer Service.......you could actually hear the "deer in the headlights look". At this time a conversation followed and the resulted in my getting the (I think) Personnel Flight.

That's like when I went in it was "Race Relations" then "Social Actions" and just before I left I think it was "Equal Opportunity and Treatment".

At least when Gen Creech took over all he did was change the blue signs brown.

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